The poison of “bum may hai dum” for our young people

Parrots clamouring to remove hate material on payrolls on the other side. There are two extremes in Pakistan. One is the Mullah lobby whose only interest in Islam is to gain clout as well as financial resources. On the other side is what is called by people as Baygharat Seculars, whose only aim is to sing the song told by our neighbours across the divide. Remove hate matter here, enliven the hate material on the other side.

To study what is done here is to first study what is being done on the other side. Day and night we are being told is that to be MODERN we have to give up our principles and way of life and for that the favourite is Islamic bashing not in the style of the Islamophobics of the West but our local version, in we can talk of the goodness of others and degradation of ourselves.

Sultan Mahmud Ghazni receives bashing from all sides, Indian as well as Baygharat liberals. But if you really study the life of the Sultan, you find him strangely very different from the stereotype generated about him. Has anyone told you that his fight was with political Hinduism not Hinduism itself. That he had Generals in his army who were Hindus. That he never destroyed any mandirs which were not politically inclined. That he built Mandirs for his Hindu population in Ghazni itself. Where is the hate? Yes there was not even one Muslim in Lahore before the Sultan and there were thousnds after his capture of the city. That he presented Hindustan with one thing that makes them tremor with fear. He gave this region egalitarianism. He destroyed the Class ethnic system based here. A Slave could become Sultan under the new system and that was based on Ideas not blood relation itself. His coins carry the name of the Caliph of that time and the whole Muslim world cheered his achievements. But the funny thing is and if you check history books, you will find a strange anomaly. After the death of Sultan Sabuktageen, Sultan Mahmood was just a young child, and to conquer Ghazni, it was Raja Jaipal who attacked GHAZNI first. Cannot believe it! Check LIFE AND TIMES OF SULTAN MAHMUD OF GHAZNA by Muhamed Nazim, a PHD from Cambridge University in 1931. Want to know more, request our own book on the matter.
Similarly read the life of Aurangzeb Alamgeer and you find similar spinning of history, as he was a wonderful personality. His life too send shivers in the spines of people. That later!

These pseudo intellectuals who travel to the other side and rave about this hate material, consider the hate material on the other side is in actual proof. We do not carry needless hate in us, disgust obviously at low IQ behaviour. A man known as an international terrorist has been elected in leadership role to UNDO Pakistan. And to undo Pakistan the easiest way is to belittle Dr Allama Iqbal, Quaid e Azam and all our leaders. Yes, Pakistan Studies envisaged at the time of partition is not hate material. It is facts and figures as people remembered them. Today the Indian clout is only felt due to CHAMAK from the other side. Most of these pseudo intellectuls are on bed of Wine and Women and the sway of the Indian hip drives them mad and away from their way of life. Their use of “bum may dum” for us is belittling our way of life. It is more than hate material. It is poison for our young minds. These stupid low IQ beasts should ask our own channels to stop bomb blasting us with filth from the other side. WHY NOT EMULATE THE BEST OF INDIAN CULTURE? There is plenty. Why go for their street smart ideas of fun and frolic?
Billions are pouring in our system from the other side. By 2016 it is said ONE percent will own NINETY NINE percent of the world. Beware egalitarianism will evolve into a revolution of the masses. And perhaps bloody not intellectual in any way.