Supportive evidence reveals knowledge of Quaid e Azam with the artist Abdur Rahman Chughtai. It was no coincidence when Quaid e Azam requested designs for Government of Pakistan from the artist even in 1946. We will talk about it in a more detailed blog later on. Till then enjoy an article on Chughtai artist from the Star Bombay in 1946.
The Department of Islamic Reconstruction was burnt to the ground with its archives, soon after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. Information was suppressed as it is done today. But truth prevails. It remains imprisoned in a sea shell, till the sea throws it out and a pearl is there for everyone to see. A muted discovery comes out here and there and a gang of shit-heads ready to disown everything necessary for Pakistan. If the world has a lot of things, so do we have things in our archives too. The reconstruction idea of Quaid e Azam was put as a responsibility on the shoulders of Allama Muhammed Asad. It started with links to intellectuals concerned with fervour for Islam and Pakistan.
The first manifestation is a magazine which came out from Dalhousie Punjab and we have seen eight issues of same. It started in September 1946. Allama Asad sent copies of the magazine to intellectuals everywhere. Our reformer Sheikh Ashraf was responsible for same. Printed at the well known Ripon Press in Lahore, the same press which printed books of M.A. Rahman Chughtai. This was much before the Department of Islamic Reconstruction made by the Quaid e Azam in 1948. Copy number one carries a note of it being sent with “Compliments of Mr Asad”. It also carries a note on a VIEWSPAPER called the STAR from Bombay. Endorsed by the Quaid e Azam himself. What more proof can anyone else want?
These are important magazines and carry important articles and Allama Asad is the editor. There are other writers too in the same collection. And then there are the twin issues in English and Urdu of the inaugural Department of Islamic Reconstruction. We have both. All these should be printed again and distributed free to intellectuals everywhere. But if there are only morons in such departments, would they even understand the importance of same! TRUTH PREVAILS.
Obviously we know of the dimension we live in. That is called life. We are also told that there are many dimensions. The Al-Mighty Quran tells us that after death, we will be resurrected and will face the Law of Makufat, that is good deeds will be rewarded and bad deeds will mean end of life. That is simple! But there are those who do not believe in an after life at all. Cannot blame them for their total lack of perception. Our faith hinges on such believes. And we are committed to an after life. But does everyone knows about the happenings in such a life. Of course once you are dead, you do not come back to tell your experiences. The Mullahs drive us crazy by instilling in us fear of death, when death is an inter state to another life in another dimension. Qabr ka azaab is a keystone of instilling fright in us. But Allah tells us that gradually Quran will continue to reveal its intricacies in time. Such are death experiences all over the world.
International reports abound with such experiences, when people died for short spells and came back to narrate to us their experiences, of light and tunnels and loved ones. But there was no scientific backing to such events. Considered mind playing tricks, the same were never taken seriously. And then came Dr Eben Alexander, a neuro-surgeon who specialized in dead brains and their off shoot images. In an accident Dr Alexander died and was put on an ventilator, where his BRAIN REMAINED DEAD for one week. Considered impossible to be alive again, his family decided to pull the plug on his ventilator and let him end his existence in peace. And then a miracle happened in one week, and Dr Alexander’s life was restored to him, and the experiences of one week in coma with a dead brain resulted in an experience never recorded before. And this experience was of a doctor who specialized in dead brains.
The best thing that one can do is to acquire a copy of his book, and we can only summarize what he said of his seven days with a dead brain. He talks of beautiful lights with golden imagery and a vortex, which he enters as a flying object. And there is a landscape of trees and people and animals, in fact a portal peace and ecstasy. No Azaab of any kind. Only a spinning melody of existence. A living sound, most beautiful piece of music ever heard. Entering the vortex, it was like being born for the first time. An incredible dream world which was not a dream at all, And the message was: You are loved. You have nothing to fear. You can do no wrong. And there he met a small girl (he later finds out on his recovery that it was a dead sister which he had never seen). He sees soaring winged creatures, who were big, puffy, pink-white, and leaving steamer like lines when they flew here and there in ecstasy. He saw them as advanced creatures, higher than anything else.In fact the sound the creatures were making felt like a rain but it was not. In the center the home of the Divine Reality. We just summarized his experiences, but after a stage, he was told that he must go back. Once he crossed that line and there was no turning back. IN SHORT DR ALEXANDER GIVES US THE HEAVENLY EXPERIENCE OF EXISTENCE. IN HIS OWN WORDS, A SCIENTIFIC PROOF OF HEAVEN. Dr Eben Alexander is now fully working on these perceptions in enriching life on earth. Check his website, blog and books. We wish him the best in life! This is just reporting his fabulous work and we thank him for enriching the world with his unique knowledge.
This is a reflection of an after life for humanity in total. The judgment yet to come! It is easy to reconcile with the Muslim perspective.
The people who made Pakistan were guided by principles and their intellectual minds and feelings. Disregarding all personal advantage, they went ahead to carve the first Ideological state of the Islamic world, 1000 years after the advent of ISLAM itself. Their guiding light was Hazrat Umar (Blessings) himself. Quaid e Azam sacrificed lucrativeness for advent of Pakistan. Dr Allama Iqbal was worried about the financing of education of his children and in sheer desperation wrote to the Nawab of Bhopal for help. We all know the bounties that Liaquat Ali Khan left behind as a Nawab and the amount of money he had in the bank after his death. After being shot, a torn socks and a vest was discovered on his body. The much hyped fabulous wealth of Field Marshal Ayub Khan never did materialize and it was all phoney to bring him down. And that is true for most of the leaders of those times. The same applied to M.A. Rahman Chughtai. After embarking upon a career spree in England in 1938, he did not even hesitate for a second and came back to his country, even when a mere Idea of Pakistan was floating in the air. Certainly they were following the dictates of Allah, and the quote of John Kennedy suited their nature well.
Ask the man on the street about the present day leaders. And they will blurt out the same thing. Penniless persons who became billionaires in a short period of time. They took from Pakistan everything and stole all dignity from the nation. And as inspiration they trickled down their corrupt practices to the very core of the people. The country was divided not between rich and poor, but two set of people. One who believed in honesty and the others who lost all values in their bursts of dishonesty. This resulted in loss of compassion for those who were doing right. Petty writers write in newspapers for money against national institutions with impunity. The only force left in Pakistan following the principles of Unity, faith and Discipline is the Army of Pakistan, and not only are they custodians of Geography, they have become custodians of Ideology too. The ultimate unification of the world depends on not giving up your views but relaxing your hostility for other ways of life. Pakistan Forever!
Allah’s blessing was giving a philosopher like Dr Allama Iqbal to the region. With his epoch book, “The Reconstruction of religious thought in Islam” (not even fully understood to this day and requires some philosopher to unravel it contents), Dr Iqbal set the pace for bringing modern life in equation with the Quran itself. The meaning of Ijtehad came fully alive under him. Before his death Dr Iqbal did two things phenomenal in nature. One was to convince a legendary honest person like Muhammed Ali Jinnah to the cause for Pakistan, and the other to literally command a young man like Ghulam Ahmad Pervaiz to continue the process of enlightenment in Islam. The funny and bizarre part is that all three were stigmatized by the priesthood in Islam, now normally referred in light language as the Mullahs. Although the word Maulana and its derivative was a subject of reverence, but the priests had stolen these titles to acclaim not an Islamic way of life but going back to the anarchy of pre-Islamic civilization in new forms and words.
The letters to Muhammed Ali Jinnah of Dr Allama Iqbal convinced the future saviour of Pakistan and he left everything for this challenge of life itself. The rest is history. Quaid-e-Azam literally sacrificed his life for the new country and was stopped with many ruses from giving a new constitution to the country. The draft that he was working on disappeared from his bed stand. There are various clues that his death was planned by lobbies, and when Penicillin as an antibiotic was available, why this was not given to him. An injection about half an hour before his death is a literal suspect with many people, and there was no independent medical cover to all the happenings. Quaid-e-Azam knew that Dr Iqbal had asked G.A. Pervaiz to continue the struggle for revamping thought processes in Islam. That is why a very close relation developed between the two and Pervaiz Sahib was the only person alive, who could walk into the office and life of Quaid-e-Azam without even an appointment. A much publicized letter of Quaid-e-Azam reveals that he was asking Pervaiz Sahib advice for inclusion of various persons in the cabinet. G.A. Pervaiz was given the role of Assistant Secretary in the cabinet of Quaid-e-Azam. An idea was formed to invite the German convert to Islam, Allama Asad to head a Department of Islamic Reconstruction. A brilliant idea!
All the so called Mullahs had opposed the very idea of Pakistan. But when the country was made, they all came here to sabotage the initiative of the three legendary icons of Pakistan. In course of time all three would be given fatwas of being Kafirs for going back to the Quran, meant depletion of resources of the paid Mullah, who thrived on finances gained through confusing people and straying them away from Islamic concepts. The Mullahs are not in a position to oppose Quaid-e-Azam and Dr Allama Iqbal, so they soft pedal them now. But the opposition towards Pervaiz Sahib was so phenomenal that one thousand Mullahs in a sitting declared him to be a Kafir. These are the similar set of people, who even termed Quaid-e-Azam as Kafir-e-Azam. The people of Pakistan are deprived of the truth for they fear the wrath of violence associated with such people. A Rising Pakistan must conquer their fears and assert the IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN. It is now or never!
There was a resentment in the Chughtai family as to the neglect of Lahore in international writing as a cultural city of vast importance. A new wave started with our renewed efforts to put Lahore on the map of international scholarship. Our first few years were devoted to inviting international scholars to Chughtai Museum in Lahore. It was preceded by gigantic works of the artist M.A. Rahman Chughtai, reminding the contribution of Lahore to culture itself. The hit mark was that Chughtai wrote Lahore with his name all the time, in the tradition of his ancestors, like Ustad Ahmad Lahori.
I met Milo C. Beach at the Arthur Sackler Gallery in Washington DC and he told me that I was right and this neglect can no longer go on, for fresh manuscripts were being studied, many with the provenance of Lahore itself. Later he called here at the museum too. Of course we liked his enthusiasm.
A French scholar started raving about Imam Baksh Lahori. We had already put Imam Baksh Lahore on the art map by publishing the book LAHORE KE DABISTAN MUSSAWARI. The Indian scholar from Patiala picked up the cue and wrote a book on PUNJAB PAINTING and used some of the works in our collection, including the one by IMAM BAKSH LAHORI. The rest is history. Our book generated a couple of books on the neglected topic of paintings from the Punjab. Many PHDs too. Our own book is not yet published in English language.
We now add the name of Imam Baksh Lahore as a calligrapher of the Holy Quran. Written in 1264 AH (1847 AD), a simple Quran, nothing gold in it but plain colour at places. But very much historical. British formally took over Lahore in 1849 AD, while Ranjit Singh embraced his end in 1839 AD. Most of the works of Imam Baksh belong to the Sikh period. People are welcome to pursue its research with our blessings. For us Lahore is the Art haven of the world.