Fairy tales are becoming tales of nightmares. One cannot imagine that in the days of Christmas, happy visions of figures like Santa Claus have been replaced by images of Krampus, the incarnated devil. This is work of so called intellectual people or more specifically Evil geniuses. Fight between Good and Evil is taking an ugly turn. So called intellectual people talking about fairy tales no more but tales of horror. The ascent of humankind being downgraded as descent into oblivion. We are told that a segment of the world population consider Satan as their hero and waiting for him to ruin the positive nature of human life. How can intellectual people downgrade themselves into immorality?

The same condition is apparent in Pakistan. Our national heroes are not remembered at all. Even persons like Quaid e Azam and Dr Allama Iqbal are subject to puerile criticism. Moronic wimps with little understanding of life. Undoing the messages of various Prophets as well as the Rahmat ul Almeen Prophet (PBUH) of Islam. A few media favourites whose names are taken all the time are on record as bearing animosity against Pakistan. Media turning these enemies who hate the Pakistani Ideology as our saviours. Defenders of Sohni darti allergic to Pak Sarzameen Shad Bad with its Islamic contents. Their mission blurring of boundaries and elimination of Ideology. Heavily supported by extremists across the border. Evil geniuses or merely evil personified, those are the icons of another world not Pakistan. Supported by heavy financial influx of resources.

M.A. Rahman Chughtai the proud son of Pakistan is a symbol of patriotism to an idea. The Idea of Pakistan is the first step towards world peace and engendering an Islamic code of life. The Iqballian dream to become a reality of life. We should make a list of our true heros and expose those allergic to our country. Pakistan Forever!
The fancy myth of Dujal a non entity a,d waiting for evil for 2000 years is not behave of intelligent people. The Quran zeros all this.
Shaitan ko qiamat tak khuli chutti Hai janab
Mir jaffer phenomena present today in abundance not Clive but Modi now
No one likes evil giving to temptation weakness never preference
Mir Jaffers plenty easily bought