I have written things all my life. Serious prose, romantic poetry and incidents concerning my life. But I restrained myself/. In the world I lived in, humility was the key to life. A long time back someone told me about the saying “Pidray man Sultan Bhoot”. It reflects the philosophy to speak of yourself not speak of your ancestors being Sultan some day. I stuck to it. But this humility drive you in a corner. My father Abdur Rahman Chughtai artist was with Dr Allama Iqbal for nearly twenty years, and except for a few letters and endorsements, there is not a single photograph of them together. All the more sad when Chughtai Sahib actually photographed Dr Iqbal many times, even coloured his black and white photographs with aero spray in colour. The obsequious get their way by putting their face in front of the cameras all the time, the dignified lose history in their humility.

I thought my life has always been private. We never even mentioned our father in school, college or university. We were allergic in being caught having to say things like that. We also knew the issues will be generated as people will request meetings and my father would deny same. And we will be red faced in the end. So my life remained private, and famous for being a shy person.
It was high time I wrote something about myself. This PART ONE is about the first twenty five years of my life. Next year it would be the next fifty years of my life. Before I become history, I must write my history myself. And present photographs never seen before outside the house. Enjoy!
Will be released on 17th January 2024. Enjoy!
Hello uncle Arif,
I am not sure if you remember me but I have clear memories spending time with you. I went to Beacon house Garden town adjacent to your father’s museum, after school I would come and sit you you till my mother used to pick me up. This is around late 80s and early 90s. I now reside in Santa Clara, Californi and am visiting my parents. I’ll be here till 13th Jan and would love to come say hi if your around. Let me know.
Ofcourse I remember you as well as your father the lawyer. I also remember the other girls and boys who used to come with you, like Mano, Nida, and Nael. Including Falak and the fat girl who got lost. How can I forget such wonderful people?
I often used to think where you are now. The answer given.
Would love to meet you but tell me in advance from 12pm to 4pm not holidays.
You can email me any time at
Truly, truly, wonderful to read those words by you, introducing the autobiography. And then so many lovely photos.
Well done, and a thousand congratulations. I’m certain your personal story will move and inspire.
Nice to see
Amazing indeed
Looking forward to readb
Please keep a copy for me. Will call later when I come back from Karachi.
The 50 years is ready to be printed. DONE. But will not be given to all just like that. A form will be filled and the presentation recorded. We know that in wrong hands no appreciation only blackmail. It is entitled
Relive my life and my efforts for aesthetics in Pakistan.