Sultan Shahabuddin Ghauri was in Ghazni, when he was informed of the revolt of the Khokhars in Hindustan. He came back and hand in hand with Qutbuddin Aibak, the two warriors crushed the revolt. Sultan Shahabuddin Ghauri took leave of Qutbuddin Aibak, and headed back to Ghazni. When he arrived at the village of Dhamaik, the Fidai Mulahidah all of a sudden appeared in the night. He was in his tent, and fought back. But the assassins were too many for him to handle single handedly. On March 15th, 1206 AD, he died. Khawaja Hassan Nizami in Taj ul Maasir, a contemporary historian writes:
“At this time a number of accursed heretics, armed with daggers, rushed like clouds and wind towards the tent in which the king of the world was sleeping and quickly killed three sword bearers and two chamberlains, who were on duty. Then a couple of these ferocious looking men made for the tent of the king and in a trice inflicted five or six wounds on the body of the king of the seven climes. Forthwith the bird of his soul eagerly flew towards the palace of seven heavens and the battlements of nine skies. flipping the wings all the way. “

Many history books tell us that the body of Sultan Shahabuddin Ghauri was taken to Ghazni and buried there. When his brother Sultan Ghiyasuddin Ghauri is buried in the portal of Jamia masjid Herat, why could he not be buried in Herat itself? But there is no grave in Ghazni or Herat, and it points out that due to rampant wounds of the body, it was facing petrification and it was on ground not possible to do the same. We present here two absolutely rare photographs of the grave and the enclosure at Dhamaikh. It proves that the heavy stones used to house the same, the body in fact remained in the village of Dhamaikh. And there it remained in the custody of the villagers who used to light divas on it. Then the modern hero of the Ghauri missile saw it first hand, and felt compassion for a Sultan, who brought the reign of Islam to this region. A really beautiful mausoleum was built and finally handed over to the Department of Archaeology for preservation. Not much can be expected from Governmental employees, but the modern hero did his job for an older hero of Islam. Well done!
For the enigma of the grave of Prithviraj Chohan in Ghazni is another issue awaiting research. Here too various conflicting theories abound. Factual research ignites two nation theory.
P.S. For details see my book “Sultan Qutb-ud-din Ai-Beg: Flaming Star of Lahore 2012.
Fabulous and insightful information not found in books
Super article. Heartiest compliments. I was not aware of your book on Qutbudin Aibak. Is it available?
We write original research with passion. We speak truth.
Congratulations in getting our ears up
Two nations egalitarianism versus 72 casts
Pioneer role in keeping our versions alive.
Subhan Allah
A lot of low IQ fancy tales spun by vested lobbies are frivolous in nature. We only present documented history. Rewriting documented history is mere wishful thinking. Our two nation theory proves the impossibility of reunification of conflicting ideas.
Two nations one lives in illusion of master minding and falsifying history.