Allah O Akbar makes a difference

A Commando is trained to take the life of another person. Killing a living human person is not an easy job. That is why all commandos are trained with the idea that THINK TWICE BEFORE HAVING PRINCIPLES. Principles interfere in performance. A commando can be sent on any mission. Probably not sent to remove their own families, but the capacity is there to even obey that order of chain of command. What a harsh life?

The SSG Commandos of Pakistan Army is a different thing all together. If I remember correctly General Mitha was responsible for their initial formation. Of course they had help of the American Commandos on the same subject. General Mitha believed that the CIA had sponsored the project to leave behind their replacements whenever they may require that. Training was rigorous then, and is rigorous now. Nowadays after retirement commandos bring their learning experience together and make SOFTWARES of their tactics. That software kind of thing is marketed in the world by EX Commandos and by Private Armies, ready to be hired for jobs anywhere in the world. Blackwaters and Engility come to mind.

The TV Season brought episodes of a lady Commando NIKITA to the screen. Headed by a Master Planner and Assassin PERCY, it was worth watching, for its lack of all response to virtue. The theme was merely Greed and Power all over the world. PERCY personified EVIL at its best. As if nothing like it can ever be true, almost twelve firms are cleared by the American Ministry of Defense for this international jobs. Obviously other countries have their own private armies too.

So what makes Pakistan’s SSG different from others. Very simply the Quranic injunction ALLAH O AKBAR. That be prepared to lay your life in the Cause of Allah, and if you die, you embrace Shahadat and the time to move to the next plane of life is shortened and you get into Heaven on an immediate level. It is the very presence of principles that differentiate Pakistani Commandos from others in the world.

Brigadier Saleem Zia busted the Balochistan Insurgency and brought the Lahore boys of the London plan to justice here, who still walk around with bloated egos
Aftab Hussain from holland i would love to have some more information on brigadier Saleem Zia. He is a hero of pakistan and every time i see his picture i just want to know more about the person.
Kind regards,
Aftab Hussain
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