The work and combined effort of Jahan Ara and others

The English translation of the bigoted Jadunath Sarkar of MAASIR-I-ALAMGEERI of Saqi Mustad Khan jumps at places and there are deliberate gaps there. On 12th May (29th Shaban) 1659, Aurangzeb Alamgeer enters the Delhi Fort. His second coronation is listed by Jadunath Sarkar as being on 5th June, 1659 (24th Ramazan). There is no account of the missing 25 days or so. Some portions left perhaps due to Mustad Khan, others left by Jadunath Sarkar. A lot happened in those 25 days.
Aurangzeb Alamgeer gave the utmost respect to Shah Jahan and the father was told the whole story of his achievements. The reconciliation was started by Syed Muhammed Qanauji and perfected by Jahan Ara herself. In the end she won the day by reconciling Shah Jahan with his son. The result Shah Jahan himself put the crown on the head of the Prince Aurangzeb Alamgeer and got issued a coin in his name on the 1st of Ramazan at Agra. That is 23 days before the official coronation mentioned in Alamgeeri texts. The coin and khutba was generated which called ABU MUZZAFER MOHYUDDIN MUHAMMED AURANGZEB BAHADUR ALAMGEER. (page 134 Aurangzeb Alamgeer book by Yusuf Ali Khan quoting Jaipur State Records) There is even an inscription in the mosque of HUSSAM DIN SAKHTA AT SANBAR JAIPUR, which lists 1659 as first Jaloos of Alamgeer.

In all these episodes Aurangzeb Alamgeer is projected as a villain but it is forgotten by historians, that Shah Jahan was so carried away with his love for Dara Shikoh, that father and son, invited Aurangzeb Alamgeer to Delhi, and had made plans for his assassination. It was Roshan Ara Begum, sister of Aurangzeb Alamgeer, who informed him of this plan, and Aurangzeb declined their invitation. That is why Roshan Ara Begum was so close to Aurangzeb Alamgeer later in life too.
The date of this reconciliation would be very close to the 12th May entry of Aurangzeb Alamgeer into Delhi Fort. Possibly a day or two later. It should be kept in mind that the Jaipur State Records are of that date, not later in life. It is the official newsletter sent to other officials about the working of the Court. Raja Jai Singh and his heirs were very close to the Mughal Court. This is no second hand information from the streets. Scholars are welcome to research on this project. But the bigotry of many Indian writers obsessed with creating their own versions of history without documentation is at the least repulsive to scholarship.

On 5th June 1660 the first year of reign was celebrated at Mughal Court with great enthusiasm. This was the 24th of Ramazan. Official decree was issued by the Emperor Aurangzeb, that the sacred day was the 1st of Ramazan, when his father put the crown on his head, so from then on, the official commemoration day would be 1st Ramazan, and so the jaloos should be calculated from that day. This was his homage to his father Shah Jahan.
The two nation theory comes alive at each juncture of our history
Revise your illusions and delusions.
Study this episode and forget about rewriting history.