Once upon a time intellectuals fought over ideas. The quest was to make an egalitarian society bounce with vibrance of sharing issues of life. The Islamic dream was to make it a life of reward for effort, and the availability to share abundance with others. Communism gave us a view of life, but something which was to be thrusted upon people, not by their own compulsions of life. Today all countries are deeply involved in the capitalistic thrust of life. Not merely individuals greed but also nations. To bring to happiness to a few not to the society in general. Under the blanket of throbbing inhumanity, there is a volcano always ready to burst into oblivion for many. For Islam effort creates money, not money creates money. All the Mullahs, all the Secular on one page on this. Greed destroyed principles perhaps totally.
Most songs, both Eastern and Western sang the song that money cannot do all things. Muhammed Rafi could speak of “Chandi ke dewar no tori” while the Beatles raved about “Money cannot buy me love”. It was universal truth once, then the illusion was started that money could do all things. Then why the richest people in the world are so unhappy, unsatisfied and hunger for contentment which never comes to them, except through philanthropic works. The universal truth is that making somebody else smile brings smile into your life too. This is the Law of Reciprocity, and the Quran defines it as the Law of Mukufat amal.

The sad truth is that when Ideas battle actual warfare is not far away. When change does not come from acceptance, it brings in revolution, and many such revolutions are indeed bloody. Can we grow up in time before Greed destroys the world in total?
Bringing human values back the only safe recipe for the future.