It is proverbial that Dr Allama Iqbal conceived Pakistani State, and Quaid e Azam gave it its form. No one needs to tell this again and again. And yet from day one there was a segment allergic to same. Why were they not happy with the Idea of Pakistan? Possibly many were purchased by foreign lobbies to undo Pakistan. There were others whose financial resources were damaged for the same. Some gained finances others lost finances. But there were still others who feigned to be intellectuals but were really morons, not able to understand the far reaching idea of same. The lectures of Dr Iqbal about the “Reconstruction of Religious thought in Islam” escaped their low IQs, and they termed it as blunder. Preposterous thinking if there was any thought in it. The Idea was not Pakistan, but the Idea was requiring a geographical entity to experiment with the Islamic system, to enable egalitarismism to its fullest extent, and equal opportunities to all. If not Pakistani area, it could be any area of the world to imbibe the Idea of Pakistan.
Allah declares the Quranic message for all mankind, and also declares that no other system will last for long. Time period of Allah is different from time period of ours. Even the easy declaration of everything made in six days is misleading, for Allah’s days span periods of revolution and evolution. An undetermined period of time. The Idea of Pakistan was the first step towards implementing Islam Not Islam as a religion but as a Deen being the challenge to religion itself. It is not about the personal relation between Allah and the Individual, it is the implementation of the Laws of Allah into practical life to achieve the utmost goals of humankind.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi threw the Two nation theory into the sea and it emerged again on its own, without help from anyone. The sophisticated intellectuals of Indian politicians were gradually replaced by fanatics, with some claiming things which were totally absurd, by building temples on unproven sites. A network of these spies are working in Pakistan claiming absurd things. They can ee Hindu houses, temples and wealth in Pakistan as well as Lahore, not realizing that after the War of Independence in 1857, the Muslims were thrown in the corner, with poverty abounding in their lives. Only few emerging Muslims were loyal servants of the British. The Brown Sahibs surely. A reign of misreporting about the Muslims engendered by the fanatics in India is rampant. Creating tall stories of the past, totally unbelievable. One will find sex stories as well as incestuous stories about the Muslim rulers all the time. Without any documentation evil stories are generated about the Mughal Princesses including Jahan Ara, Roshan Ara, Zebunisa, as well as others. Fertile minds of the Indians love to produce obnoxious tales of decadence. In a system riddled with castes, the Muslims brought in the region egalitarianism. From a few thousands, they became millions, not due to the sword, but through a totally different concept of cultural integration. There was no need to fear the invaders in any way.
Co-existence is the lesson of Islam. No one can force a way of life into life of another. It is the acceptance that matters. Allah tells us never to impose another way of life. The motto is to LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVE. A purely healthy outlook of life. The religious priests of Islam do the most damage to Islamic thinking by stressing not on the Ideals of Islam but blatant small worthless rituals. So come back to the reality of the Ideals of Islam. PAKISTAN FOREVER! Unity, faith and discipline. Let us make Pakistan great again. Let us return to our actual way of life.