A new game changer Chinese Secret Service MSS
Every day we hear of many Secret Services. Most common names we hear are CIA, MI 5, BENZONAURO, KGB (now FSS ), RAW, NATOs and countless others. Have we ever heard of Chinese Secret Service? Never ever mentioned but it is there, isn’t it. We see Chinese efficiency when they bring down an American Spy plane which landed from the sky? Forced to land in China, they released the crew, but not the plane. A Chinese Jet fighter I think lost his life by doing the same. Yes, we hear of the success stories.
Close relations established recently to make Gwadar a center of the Chinese corridor has sent jitters all over the world. Certainly newer and newer incidents will be reported and the hackneyed social media will spin their hearts out, not necessarily the truth in any way. Get this straight, the Chinese Secret Service is there, very much here, and now much more active. Put this as two and two makes four. Safety of such high investment requires looking into foolish Don Quixotes chasing the Windmill of Balochistan.
So more you hear, take it with a pinch of salt. Balochistan is Pakistan and no heaven on Earth can shake it away from us. This easy package of Visas, Scholarships, donations, support, no longer enough to diffuse the emotions of patriotic Balochs. Their future is about to be changed forever.
In China known as “Zhongnanhai Baobiao” ,which means “The Bodyguards from Red Palace”, they are referred as MSS, MINISTRY OF STATE SECURITY. Joining hand with our agencies, nothing can defeat these sons of soil; not all the conspiracies in the world. Incidents have been activated, so are our own guys. Beware the rage of patriots against paid agents of the world, posing as human rights activists. The face of the enemy will be rubbed in their own crap soon.