Pierre Trudeau was very close to Pakistan
On the death of M.A. Rahman Chughtai on 17th January, 1975, we communicated with many Heads of State who condoled his death with us. One person we communicated was with Pierre Trudeau, who was the Prime Minister of Canada at that time. We communicated and we were surprised at his openness in expression with us. There was no red tape in his life. We sent him a copy of the book AMAL E CHUGHTAI, two collotypes Austrian by Max Jaffe of Chughtai Art and other things. He already knew about M.A. Rahman Chughtai as he was well versed with Pakistan even before that. One of the many letters we received gives his opinion about M.A. Rahman Chughtai as:

“Beautiful reproductions of Masterpieces of the greatest Islamic artist of this century”.

No small words coming from a Canadian Prime Minister. People may forget that there is already a painting of M.A. Rahman Chughtai in the National Gallery of Canada. People from Canada should go and check it there. It is there in their catalogue even on the Internet.

Prime Ministrer Pierre Trudeau did invite me to Canada, but unfortunately I was not in a position to go for a variety of reasons. The number one being that it was not in our budget to do so. For people with hard earned money, international travelling is never easy. It is our regret that we were not able to do so.

The advent of Justin Trudeau is restoring our faith in the liberalism of the West, even although Canada is a small part of it. Hate destroys the peace of the world. Love unites nations.