All days a normal life with a normal person is punctuated with unknown happenings. A foot slips, and you hurt your ankle. Your hand gets caught in a drawer that is painful. A wasp bites you out of nowhere and gives you a swelling you cannot hide. Your walk is restrained by oil on the pavement. A tyre puncture drives you nuts. Caught without an umbrella on a sunny day and it starts raining. One can narrate a million things which happen ll day. And when you solve them, deal with them, you are learning the art of vigilance. This is Allah’s way of telling you that however smooth things may be, there is a storm lurking every where.

The Quranic teaching is always there. And then one cannot forget the eternal message of our Quaid e Azam in telling us about UNITY, FAITH AND DISCIPLINE. Walk on any road of ours and what do you see. Everybody trying to outwit and race with the other in the capitalist drive of some Wall Street. No one can cross a road for it looks like a disturbed jungle there, with the traffic wardens impotent of any traffic rules or regulation. Phones in their hands as phoning messaging on zig zagging motorcycles. Hell has broken on our roads for stress has made us literally mad. A vehicle strikes another vehicle and out comes the two drivers with abuses and coiled fists, exchanging blows, with no results. No one wants to stop at red light, no one wants to move on green light. Lazy bones or sick of authority we are all. This is the sour fruit of democracy. Making rich richer, and poor poorer. Anger is boiling in society as it has become an unfair society to all. Mostly the middle class people are harassed most. Why worry about hybrid war, for hybrid is beyond the average citizen of Pakistan. He is facing Reality war of politicians not giving a hoot to the people of Pakistan. Justice is something for which you need plenty of money. No one thinks of dying, the misery of living for some is enough. And the bloated stomach and over used genitals drive away all thoughts from the corrupt. Corruption seems a word coined ages ago and no longer relevant to present society.

So a four letter word to Hybrid war. Face the reality. The lv and compassion of Allah gives us the concept of eternal TAUBA. Tauba here will not come on its own. The RIGHT has to win over the WRONG and unfortunately, FORCE is necessary. One institution can do that. The politicians have failed us. If the Army does not rise, it will fail us too. And then not only geography will change, the Quran will be set aside for more centuries. So hold on to the Quran. Not with running the fingers on its lines, or kissing it, or putting it at a higher place in the house. Implementing its message. That is the Quran. Hazrat Umar implemented it long ago, but then Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgeer implemented it too. That is why he incurs the wrath of the kafirs. For he sought the Sarat ul Mustaqeem very well in our society, with the legal code of FATWA ALAMGEERI, and implementing it in letter and spirit. Quaid e Azam told us that Mussulmans do not lose courage in time of crisis. Come out and save Pakistan!