The year was 972 AH (1564 AD) and Emperor Akbar was crossing the river in Jaunpur. A wailing old woman whose son was left across the raging river caught the attention of Emperor Akbar and he immediately ordered Governor Munim Khan to build a bridge on the same river. The bridge took four years to build and there are six inscriptions on the same. Recorded by people in the past, one has no access to same today. Our pleasure to attach the one with the name of the Master Architect from Kabul, who made the same.

Mughal bridges are an interesting study in itself. And the different forms call for versatility of the builders. It is worthy of comparison with the Bara Bridge built by Lutuf ullah Ahmad Muhandis in Peshawar. Kiosks difference mainly as design element. A study is over due.
Mughals did work for public interest all the time, forgotten by naive historians.
Kabul, Herat, Lahore; yes architects from these places.
Well knit then Kabul and Lahore.