The campaign against possible Islamic resurgence
If we ever list the basic conspiracies against Pakistan, we will start with:
1. Full attempt not to let Quaid e Azam finish the Constitution that he had started to write. By expediting his death with little or wrong treatment and utter neglect and then stealing the draft constitution which was by his bed side all the time.
2. By deliberate campaign to paint hundred percent Muslim leader as Secular Jinnah to instill wrong message in the youth of the country.
3. To engender language riots, campaign against the solidifying of URDU language and making ENGLISH as the fashionable affluent language of Pakistan.
4. To run asunder all that had the Pakistani Identity or could engender it including Art in Pakistan, with re-writing of syllabi of institutions in Western framework.
5. By terming study of our history and national heroes as retrogressive and not suitable for modern minds.
6. By withholding of economic benefits which were Pakistan’s right.
7. By dividing the country’s geography in such a way that various danger zones would be created, including Eastern Bengal, Kashmeer and other areas. By forcibly taking Hyderabad Deccan from accession to Pakistan.
8. By leaving Quaid e Azam position of non alignment by aligning with the Western bandwagon by going into Western treaties which were not suitable for Pakistan.
9. By buying out our elite and all others who thought well of Pakistan and wanted to do good things for it. By asserting patriotism as product of degenerated minds.
10. By even having the Crescent done wrongly on our National Flag so instead of RISING MOON to give the nation a descending MOON; declining Nation from day one. The National Anthem clearly talks of the Moon on the flag as being of HILAL.
Hundred percent true and cannot be denied
Keep it up guys. If not all many are listening and want to know more.