We receive mail and comments from all over the world. We like that. Juliet Egan daughter of DR Victor Egan has written to us from Lucknow about her father. She say that he was absolutely innocent of the murder of Amrita Sher Gil, and the mother of Amrita was responsible for this slander. In all fairness, this is too complicated for simple decisions and affirmations. All this happened a long time ago, but the fact is that Amrita did die all of a sudden, after reputed eating of certain things. DR Egan was indeed a very talented chemist and had access to chemicals on his very own. What judg’ment can we pass? It is not for us to blame anyone. We just repeated what was common knowledge then.
A daughter of DR Egan writes:
“Victor, my father, was an extremely strong person both mentally and physically. He did not have any belief in God or religion, and was of the opinion that if there was an Almighty, and He was fair and just, then humanity would be judged on deeds rather than how many times a prayer had been repeated or a holy shrine visited. (Very right indeed)
He was extremely impatient with those who fussed about trivial aches and pains and always made light of his own problems. He was known, trusted and accepted for his gruff bedside manner and no nonsense attitude, because he was an exceptional doctor. “Egan’s don’t cry!” was a phrase I grew up with and often heard when I was blubbering about something inconsequential.”
Indeed a man of character and not only well respected but loved by others. But what happens when your wife traverses a journey to put you to utter shame. Do you break down or do you like to extract revenge? It is indeed strange that Amrita Sher Gil lived in Lahore in a flat very near that of Khushwant Singh and he had stories to relate about her, including her unexpected visit to his bath room, unannounced. This is not read stuff, this is narrated stuff by others. And the most intriguing stuff is her relation with Jawaharlal Nehru. It is reputed that she used to visit him at Falettis Hotel, Lahore. The politician who is reputed to have seduced the wife of the Governor General, could do anything with his prowess’s. Even a rare picture exists of them.
So nothing really can be said. It is said that Umrao Singh wrote a letter to DR Victor Egan, apologizing for the slander being committed by his wife. History judges itself.
We do love fathers. I love my father. Juliet loves her father. When Juliet showed concern, we appreciated her love and dedicated this blog to her. God bless Dr Egan. God bless Juliet!
Of course every daughter loves her father and therefore it is natural to defend. After so many years the mystery of Amrita’s death remains unsolved and it will remain shrouded forever.
But we do hold people in esteem
another Daughter of Egan,
Eva Sud her Blog
Juliet Egan has disappeared from scene. No comments, the email seems blocked. Does this show some sort of hanky-panky? We hope not. We wrote the truth as we understood it. If some thing is false, we remove it. We can also apologize. But here there is some “dal may kala”.
Oh please. Just because I prefer not to communicate with someone who has thrown mud into my fathers face… Why should you feel there is some hanky panky going on , as you so put it. Neither is any email blocked.
You think we are throwing mud. Who would have reacted as fast as we did to your comment. We held you in esteem as we held your father. But truth is not something which can be discovered one sided. We presented both points of view. Instead of appreciating us for putting your point on the blog immediately you chose to disappear. Even now you are hiding your name. Why?
Can we please talk, it’s really relevant. And im mind blown, i think youll be interested. Thank you
Why not? chughtaimuseumlahore@hotmail.com, we welcome all reports, news etc. Welcome to our blog!