No stoppage or restriction on heritage destruction
Mosque building in Lahore is an activity which has spanned over a 1000 years. All Muslim rulers opted for grand mosques. Even a misgot like Ranjit Singh could sponsor a mosque built by his courtesan Mai Moran in Papar Mandi, Lahore (although he was responsible for banning Azan in Lahore for decades in his reign as well as after). But when Royal patronage failed, individual communities and individuals carried on the tradition of building of mosques. We know this well. Our ancestors were involved in designing and building mosques from last many centuries. Hundreds of works of mosques in Lahore are related to the descendants of Ustad Ahmad Mimar Lahori.
Mosques are jewels of one given time. They reflect the best of architectural achievements of those times. In a city where Badshahi Mosque as well a Wazeer Khan mosque was in ruins, what about the others? However mosques did survive those bad times, till they got in the hands of the Mullahs. These Mullahs are not related to Lahore, they are the migrant vagabonds who came from rural areas of India, to impose rigidity on the grand mental framework of our city.
Look at what is happening today? In process. A 126 years old mosque in JANAZGAH LAHORE is being demolished for a new mosque probably from Arab funds from abroad. The uncultured,uncivilized and illiterate Mullah is destroying a WORK OF ART for his own nefarious concepts. For a person who has no aesthetics with no dress code and barbarian beards, what else can be expected from them? WHO WILL BOTHER? WHO CARES? No one. Heritage will be lost today and will be continued loss for tomorrow. Our own leaders are so moron that they have the capacity to even demolish the Badshahi mosque to replace it with some design of a Japanese or English architect. Wrong, no absolutely right. It is happening like that in the Arab world. We are losers all the way!
Politicians screaming about ways to enhance wealth