I was born in Pakistan and I have lived in Pakistan. I have never seen such anarchy prevailing in all my life. The acceptance and flourishing of Evil has become routine. The physical terror at one place, the economic terror is itself frightening in its dimensions. With compassion and empathy I look at oppressed people, and I wonder how people in power can live with that shame. A phrase coined long ago still exists that LATAON KAY BHOOT BATAON SAY NAHI MANTAY. Who will kick these evil mongrels? We wait and wait and we feel ashamed of ourselves for not being in a position to do that good for society. We are hurting the trust of Allah in humans destiny to ultimately do good. The priests frighten the citizen with Quranic uncertified concepts of QABAR KA AZAB. The living under these malignancy itself is an azab. Leaving the Quranic concepts is an unimaginable evil.
To eradicate evil, the Quran commands listening to its verdict. Freedom cannot be taken away from an individual for even a moment. That is why there is no concept of prisons in Islamic values. No one has the right to curtail freedom of another. Islamic punishments are not barbaric but deals with misfits in manner which the misfits can understand. The prevalence of those punishments rid society of evil. Those who terrorize society, should be terrorized in reverse. Yes, President Zia ul Haque did a wonderful thing of PUBLIC HANGINGS. It reduced evil. The Army with hanging of the terrorists itself is beneficial for society. But hang not just those who do it at behest of others. Hang those too who mastermind these things. Obvious shame to those lobbies who continue to rave for mercy for these evil mongers. Cleansing the society of evil is required all the time. An unending struggle. It is time to bring Umarian (Hazrat Umar Blessings) principles back into play, to erase the Machiavellians of society.
How cheap those people addicted to their sins not finding time to have compassion for fellow human beings? Pakistan is rising! Do not just hang the terrorist, hang those who support terrorism. Make our country a peace haven again.
The majority of Pakistan believes in unconditional PEACE. Jannat on Earth!
What I understand ISLAM, is very simple. A Muslim is one who sell his life, resources and abilities to ALLAH ALMIGHTY and then try his utmost to transform and then help maintain his environment as Jannat, for his/her fellow men, women, children and even animals.
Once so many, now few little. The aim to make more follow the salat of Allah. Not rituals but principles, laws of Allah.
Our hearts bleed for the welfare of our country.