A living civilisation is seen on land all over the world. Dead civilisations are plenty all around the world too. As the feet increase in digging, the enigmas of lost civilisations begin plenty. We are even told of civilisations no longer on land but deep into the seas. A few thousand BC figure is not even attractive anymore. From the usual in depth analysis of civilisations, the 12000 year old civilisation of Gobbeki Tepe in Turkey has rocked the world. Others talk of the 22000 years old civilisation of Gunung Padang in Java, Indonesia.

The discovery of skulls have brought into study of various races and has become an exact science. Homo sapiens are preceded by talks about Australopithecus, Neanderthals and what not? The late addition is talk about the Denisovans, a new species of which genetics we share too. A long time back a walk in the city of Lahore would reveal different faces, of people belonging to various races who entered the land of five rivers and amalgamated themselves into citizens. The old familiar faces are gone. After partition the new breed of migrants have destroyed the character of Lahore’s racial heritage. Those old faces are extinct. But so many of them lie in graveyards all around Lahore. Miani is the oldest graveyard in Lahore. But we are not talking of qabarastans, we re talking of dead bodies under the city itself, who lost their lives in battles and disease and happenings. Has anyone researched on them? A study of DNA would open fresh chapters of history.

Some years back, the large gutter outside the city of Lahore was closed. It was replaced by fresh systems and we have a SIEMENS SEWAGE PLANT operating in Bhatti Darwaza franchise. When the plant was being dug, numerous skeletons came on the surface. The areas was littered with skulls of people long gone. And not a qabarastan, it was mass burials of people, either slain in battle, or died by disease. It was amazing phenomena and the residents got creepy looking at skulls peering at them from earth of Lahore. They had stories to tell but there was no one to listen to their long gone stories. Just across the road is the famous mazar of Data Darbar Sahib, so the history of skulls could be a 1000 years old. It is amusing people talking about heritage all the time. Making money out of this needless talk was more important.

A story of an important skull is worth remembering. When the Sikhs captured Lahore, they in fit of utter animosity dug the grave of Mir Mannu (Governor of Lahore) and took out his skull. For a long time the skull of Mir Mannu was placed in the Mori (gutter) of a famous Sikh Sardar and he felt joy as his shit flowed on the skull all the time. Obviously in his life time it was not possible. Indeed skulls have their own story to tell and they can be carbon dated to their life time. It is an open field and worth a study on its own. Maybe the Punjab University or GCU can undertake such a research for the future. Let us hope so!
In the mean time we have the story of PHAJEE, and the skull of an old woman of Lahore, reputed to be at least 800 years old. The skull is amazing for the head has been broken and repaired in old times. How is anybody’s guess? Our next blog will pick that issue up.
Again a very first from our pens and thoughts.
No one cares for living who cares for dead
Thankyou Pasha صاحب۔
The enemies of Chughtai museum are in their last and final round. Soon they will be like
قردة خاسعین . I hope you will be more and more active and energetic in near future. Be happy and healthy.
Please consider a topic:
Cultivation of Persian blue around Lahore city about 150 to 200 years ago.