Natural phenomena are not omens of any kind
Primitive perceptions
It is understood that anything unusual makes us fear same. In olden times this was the case. Our traditional priests made man fear the unusual happenings in the environments. That is why eclipses were held in danger. Aztecs and Mayas sacrificed thousands of human beings to avert disaster. And this was true for most old civilizations.
EclipsesRed only short time
Then knowledge made man enlightened and he understood that these were just phenmena of Nature, nothing more. They came, they pass. They are not OMENS of any kind. But today MODERN CHARLATANS are confusing people again with their doomsday scenarios. Islam came to free people from Magic and Rituals, and the enemy has sprung in our roots, belittling our values and faith in science and knowledge. To send us in pits of remorse, so that civilizations cannot evolve beyond PHYSICAL EVOLUTION into CREATIVE EVOLUTION.
Waiting for Eclipse
Enjoy Eclipses! Know what they are. Science explains everything, and when it cannot, research and fid out more. Every misfortune in the world has a solution. Allah has instructed us to find one. There is life after Qiamat. Rejoice in the idea of a new and unfettered life from Evil itself.
Cooks at Mughal Court
The Mughal way of life dazzled the world in their lifetime and still dazzle with the remnants of their culture. Mughal cuisine is a household word all over the world. It is interesting to come across cookbooks of Mughal times, mostly 18th and 19th century works. One reads the recipes and one can try to imitate them, but without resource of original ingredients of cooking, the real old taste cannot be in anyway created in these times. Still Mughal food surrounds us even today.
Mughal FoodKarims
A very amusing letter comes to us in form of RUQAT ALAMGEERI. A manuscript which contains many of his letters to others. One letter is addressed to his son and he twinges on his memory in remembering that the cook of his son, namely Sulaiman Bawarch could cook Khichri Biryani in such a way that the taste does not go away. He says that to eat the same in the Monsoon season is the highlight of taste. He wanted forcefully to steal the cook from his son, but his fatherly love for his child stopped him from doing so. He talks of his own cook Islam Khan who could not do justice to same. He requests his son to send some pupils of Sulaiman Bawarchi so that they can cook Khichri Biryani for him at his palace.
These kind of anecdotes make us realize and see the great Mughal King in flesh and blood, they were just like us, nothing more. We cannot forget them, for they are us today.
It is remembered by all. The breaking of the Ottoman Empire made the Muslims of Hindustan cry in full depth. Dr Allama Iqbal consoled their souls, and the fervour of Pakistan went into full swing. Modern Turkey sprung from Mustafa Kamal Pasha, the reformer. Religious fanatics think very bad of him, others never get tired of singing his songs The fact is that Modern Turkey came back into power after getting rid of religious priesthood which was undermining its advance in the future. Perhaps even that went too far. I have myself seen both sides of Turkey. One on the European side, and the other across the Bay of Bhosphorous. A world of difference between two sections of same society.
Halide struggle
Our ancestor Ustad Yusuf Burkhurdar also came from Turkey, being a student of Ustad Sinan and settled in Lahore. He had accompanied Emperor Babur, along with Ustad Isa, who also came from the same place. They were called Turkish Chaghatais, although they were originally from Herat. The proper name was HURRO CHAGHATAS. We are very close to Turkey in letter and spirit.
Halide Turk
Halide Edib made a name for herself by jumping into the main stream of Women emancipation. She came to India for that cause and visited Lahore too. Here she narrates her experience of Lahore. For instance she says:
“The Muslim girls of Lahore wear tight trousers and long silk chemises buttoned at the side, more like the Chinese woman’s costume. Over their hair they have a thin floating veil, embroidered all round or at the borders. This seemed to me more practical, but I admit that the women who adopt it must have the figures of Lahore women, which are not common in any nation. These girls were all daughters of the rich, and their interests seemed to be confined to their own class. “
She gives an opinion of Lahore as:
“To me Lahore stands between the Frontier and the rest of India, not only geographically but in mentality as well. It contains both, as well as its own peculiarities of thought.”
For her:
“Lahore, more than all other cities, seemed difficult to size up with regard to trends of thought, and community divisions”.
Mustafa Kamal and Halide
And then something touching happened. She was staying with Begum Shahnawaz in Lahore in 1937. A famous Doctor of Lahore brought her young daughter of 7 days only to Halide Edib of Turkey and named her after the Turkish icon. Halide Edib was moved to tears and left another Halide behind. Where is this Halide? Does anyone knows!