Some years back we presented a research book on the LEGACY OF NAWAB WAZEER KHAN and it contained original information found nowhere else. As new information came, we presented a small pamphlet highlighting the new information. Yet information keeps pouring in and we wrote it in our blog too. The present of the city of Wazeerabad by Mirza Izzad Baksh (the last male descendant of Nawab Wazeer Khan) to a Hindu friend, instead of his son in law Mirza Chajju Baig. We came across fresh information about the Bageechi of Nawab Wazeer Khan. We heard this first in the account of Nur uddin Chisti as a small garden in which Nawab Wazeer Khan used to sit, but there was more, as it turned in the private graveyard of the Mutavallis. .

It is sad that all Muslim monuments made in good faith are contested by the later generations through conspiracies and legal suits. Materialism wins over good faith. Like our present politicians, there was no business transaction in Lahore, in which Wazeer Khan did not take a share and contemporary historians call him the most corrupt of his period. It seems that his legacy succumbed to the Makufat law itself. The honest people attached to the mosque were in stages kicked out of their domain. We will add to that.

The Mutavallis appointed by Nawab Wazeer Khan, possibly Emperor Shah Jahan himself, also came from Bokhara, as the Imam family of Jamia Masjid Delhi. The list includes:

The Bageechi was the private grave yard of the Mutavallis and a full description as well as a map is given of the same. Even the Kocha is named after Mutavalli Bute Shah. There are a couple of court cases too, related to construction of a toilet and a drain pipe of waste water. Assistant Commissioners were involved in setting the drain pipe (Mori) corrected in desire. Historical record and truth laid bare. The same was presented to Dr Abdullah Chaghatai and we now present the documents after decades of same. The court case involved with Deputy Commissioner Charles Aitchison is still missing from the record. This is the open kutchery which de-seated the Mutavallis and put Mirza Chajju Baig on the throne of the mosque. The object to take the sanctity of the mosque and the power enjoyed by it over the citizens of Lahore. After decades of dispute President Ayub Khan formally annexed all these portions to the Auqaf department, much to the disarray of the old and the new Mutavallis. More later.
More and more adds up the history. Very rare documents donated by a professor to the library of Punjab University. Consult!
Tragedy of history greed for mosques earnings
Baymani ka nateeja bura hota hai
Beauty in hand of tyrants
Beauty captured by tyrants
Gham atta hai