Sikh to British rule over Punjab

Three brothers, John Lawrence, Henry Lawrence and G. Lawrence, and their association with the Punjab. At a durbar in Lahore, the Governor General John Lawrence addressed the native Princes in Persian/Urdu language. Remarkable? All three brothers knew Punjab as the back of their hands and were instrumental in the British policy making here. One of them wanted the Sikh rule to continue, while others were in favour of British possession of Punjab. Henry Lawrence even submitted his resignation against the British policy here.

There is so much material on the Lawrences that books were written and books could be written but for us to repeat the obvious, is not the aim of our writing. We like to present fresh information wherever possible and we are certain that on our blog you will find things you will find nowhere else. That is why we like what we write,. We love Lahore, and we love Punjab, but we are not parochials. We are Pakistanis in letter and spirit. We speak Punjabi but we are happy with Urdu as our National language. We do not carry prejudices on our back. For us all Muslims are one and the same thing. We are Pakistan.
Here we present two images of the Lawrences, rarely seen, and one never on internet and never published. It is by Imam Baksh Lahori, and we will write about Imam Baksh Lahori in the near future. Till then, enjoy one of his rarest work of Lawrence on horseback. Well done!
Another informative and unique narrative piece from the History of Punjab. I extend my thanks to the writer of the Chughtai’s Art Blog. 🙂
All three brothers were remarkable in all ways
We are sorry for delay in updating as our computer person is not well and on sick leave. We will be updating soon as he comes in from the doctor.