The enemy keeps on trying and in haughty manner feel here it is, the fruit of our labour to erase Pakistan. And the nation of Pakistan rise to each calamity with a rousing spirit of resilience. A country which Pundits predicted to have evapourated within a few years, is still going strong, by the Will of Allah. How much we have suffered at the hands of external enemies and how much we suffer at hands of internal Mir Jaffers. In fact people are saying that we should stop using the word of yester years and start using the names of the present Mir Jaffers. So many of them but still very much morons who fail to understand the power of Al Mighty Allah. Millions gave their life for Pakistan and thousands are doing it to this day. Morons fail to understand the loss of blood in Shahadat is not an every day death. The spirituality of that existence gives life to society again and again.

Greed is destroying the inner self of these mongrels. To live and die for a higher cause is to be near to Allah all the time. Which nation in the world does not have faults like those highlighted about us. Simply we have not paid money abroad to highlight wrong of those societies. In fact we understand our faults all the time and we criticize ourselves always. It is the enemies who understand our virtues better than any other. There is more democracy in the Armed Forces of Pakistan, than any other status of democracy around the politics of the country. The Pak Army comes from every nook and corner of Pakistan, even the smallest villages are represented in it. It has the capacity for all to march forward. Pure merit is the key in the Pak Army. Usually only those move upwards who deserve it with their inherent capacity. We will write more about it. While we go about doing our every day life, the Guardians of Pakistan are awake to guard us under all circumstances. Pak Army Zindabad! Pakistan Forever!