Chughtai Museum has known of the wave of forgeries being done both in Delhi and Karachi, but under a new game plan, the new forgeries border on utter recklessness. This is an urgent call to buyers to be aware of these people, and we know about them, but cannot take their names, as it involves a lot of other corrupt people and art dealers. The forger artist is in Karachi but is patronized by a host of very powerful people. But this is a wakeup call to him too. We have a signed confession of his which he has forgotten by this time.
This is a historical painting. In 1911 M.A. Rahman Chughtai got married to Wazeer un nisa and a boy was born to them a few years later. The boy died at child birth and left a scar on the face of the newlywed couple. They tried their best to have another child, but the lady developed womb cancer and could not have a child anymore. It was later that Chughtai artist got married again for a second time and had two children from his second wife. Chughtai rarely painted subjects like blindness, but he ended up painting this around 1918 or so, and the work was printed in Modern Review Calcutta at that time. It was entitled “Her Blind Child” at that time. Later the name was changed to “Remorse”. Remorse disappeared from scene and came up for auction in the western circle. It was bought by Dr Quraishi of USA from there. Later the kind and gracious man tried to auction it again but it went unsold. It is not known whether it changed hand or it is still with Dr Quraishi. An offer was made to the said gentleman to give the painting to us or exchange it with another one. But as he was getting aged, he lost interest in acquisitions. It is not known of the present whereabouts of same.
It is utterly shameless on the part of the Karachi artist not only to continue to forge Chughtai works but with a new beginning to start forging signatures and seals, which can be clearly seen as ABSOLUTELY WRONG. THIS IS ALSO TO WARN PEOPLE AND ART COLLECTORS TO ASK US THE AUTHENTICITY OF WHATEVER THEY BUY. We are available all the time, just email us at “chughtaimuseumlahore@hotmail.com” for the quickest response possible. Obviously, we are not responsible in any way with the corrupt practices of an artist. May Jesus set his path right!
Illegality has crossed all boundaries. Beware of fake authentication. Just ask us!
Certainly the forger tried to seek information but had access to none. See the signature on the original work, vastly different. He thinks it is 1959, it is around 1918. But he is copying and has poor knowledge of English. An illiterate man actually can hardly sign even his own name.
forging musuem seal and signatures on top of fakes is definitely new….
No shame left Pakistan so much decline
Pinching even emotional attachment things
Learning from politicians