Aspects of nation building
Films are not our line. But we enjoy films all the time. The films made before partition were of a different kind in all ways. Muslims contribution to film making in many ways was spectacular. But the most amazing thing is that the Quaid e Azam had eyes on this subject too. He wished Mussulmans to indulge in productive film making.
The name of the first Pakistani films tell us a lot about the minds of those people. The very first film envisaged in Pakistan was named JEHAD. What lovely inspiration those people had? Poignant settings, truly Pakistani stories. The rubbish and trash of these days was not there.
Foreign lobbies are rescuing our film industry for their own ends. No more views of the kind that were made in the past. Trash of another kind. Hit at the Ideology of Pakistan. Make heros of the zeros of our history.
An English writer was writing a script of a film on M.A. Rahman Chughtai. I do not know what happened to it but they were ready to make it. Again they wanted to give it their own twists and turns and I did not agree to same. A number of documentaries were made in the past. It included ones made by Russian and Japanese teams. Even a number of them made by Pakistani Films and Publication department and shown in cinema houses. Even Burmah Shell made a documentary in the 1960 s. More in the future.
Films can be used for uplift of nations or to degrade them. We know that all the more now.
Our beloved Quaid was aware of all aspects of life but could concentrate on main thing of freedom.
Amazing personality.
Good at everything
What about now?