The hype of rule by people is a mumbo jumbo which can be stopped and the next logical step is actual rule of the people. Yes, No Government at all. Everybody doing things on their own. Trading by barter or by precious materials, or even by labour itself. A return to basics in life. There will be more equality, more emancipation here, than anywhere else. Let the Army be an entity in itself, defending the borders against foreign invasions, living in their own areas, free from the fret of democratic rule gone berserk.
If disagreement prevails, people will take care of it themselves. Let them do it by reconciliation or let them fight it to the logical end. Instead of involving the Police force, with its countless corruption possibilities and the Courts with rapacious appetites for disorder and delay, things will be solved in minutes or hours or days. Perhaps even the ritual of manly duels will come alive again. Sword fighting on the Mall road, or a Six Gun shoot out at noon to better the fastest gunfighter of the traditional Cowboy Western world.
The walls of our house will get higher. We will be planting vegetables in our lawns. Raising poultry for ourselves and sacrificing animals whenever we can find them. We will become so healthy that we will be able to dispense with many medicines and health will return to us. Pure food will be ours to take instead of the adulterated food, which includes donkey meat fed to us.
Horses and Carriages would make a come back in a big way. No pollution, global warming will even go away. Need for Speed will be gone. Everything done well, diligently. Time to know the neighbours. Make friends. Drink healthy drinks. An Ideal life would be back. Hard work will take the place of cut throat competition. Good will shops will be restored. Reputations will come back for honesty.
Nothing will be perfect. But is our life today perfect under the total harassment of our governments, who think of us as insects to squashed under their feet. Yes, Ideas are good for options to come to our minds.
Not funny very very sad.