Bandar tamasha at Master’s command
All intellectuals search for critics to analyze their out pours and give them constructive wisdom on issues. That is fair play. But when Abu-Jahls start speaking on issues as if they knew their subject well. No one had the courage to tear Dr Allama Iqbal or Muhanmmed Ali Jinnah in their life time. Now petty bandaris, literally media prostitutes, not even worth a dime, tearing the dauntless work of our icons apart and creating nobodies into icons of Pakistan. Has the Sun started shining from the other side? There are eternal truths which no monkey dance can undo from the hearts and minds of people.
A cable joke goes like this. A shameless man used to pass a street where there was a parrot. The parrot knew the value of the man and would call him BAY GHAIRAT every time he passed the place. The man got tired of being called shameless on his face and complained to the owner of the parrot. The owner promised him that he will not repeat the word BAY GHAIRAT again. Next day when the man hesitantly passed the place, the parrot looked at him and said, “Obviously you understand what you are and you are still the same.” The parrot did not mention the word BAY GHAIRAT but knew well that the man was one.
A person who spits on the Moon, the spit falls on him. To tackle icons with petty moronic minds and the ridicule is all yours. You are the shame of our history. Perhaps 500 people working against the interests of twenty crore citizens of Pakistan. Indeed work of bay-ghairat brigade in Pakistan.
Yes indeed they are there and has lost all sense of honour.