Years as a teacher for progress of Islam
Ms Shameem Anwar
Ms Shameem Anwar

On 17th January, 2016 Ms Shameem Anwar died in bed. She was responsible for teaching at Kinnaird College for a number of years, as well author of a few books. Her most famous book was the IDEA OF PAKISTAN. She worked all her life for Women emancipation and was loved by both her students and colleagues. Allah bless her soul!


  1. if I am today what I am a major part of that I owe to Ms. Shamim Anwar. She had a historian’s soul who tried to breathe it in all she taught. Such self sacrifice and love is rare to find.

  2. Ms. Shameem Anwar taught us History at Kinnaird college in the late 1980’s she was an inspiration taught real wisdom, knowledge and had the spirit of a tigress…Thank god for such women in Pakistan’s education system…

  3. She was one of those rare people who had malice towards none.

    All her life she taught not only history but also high moral values.

    She will be badly missed.

  4. My only teacher brave enough to encourage freedom of expression in her class during the Zia ul Huq regime.

  5. She was a close family friend and an amazingly enlightened and inspiring person. She introduced me to some great literature. She is a personal loss to me and a loss for Pakistan. May she rest in peace. Ameen.

  6. She was a beloved ustad and I was so looking forward to seeing her again next month while I’m in residence as a Fulbrighter at Kinnaird. Prof Anwar provided us all with so much inspiration and her smile and humility were endearing beyond words. My family also knew her brother who was equally wonderful and sadly died in an airplane crash decades ago.
    Shamim Anwar will be missed but live on in our memories.

  7. So sad to hear about MS Shameem Anwar. May her soul rest in peace in the best of abodes Ameen sum Ameen.
    She left her mark on each of us it seems and that is amazing. I always considered her to be one of my favorite teachers who changed our way of critical thinking about who we. as Pakistanis were and would become. She planted deeply in us the roots of hub al watan past present and future. Truly a rare dedicated soul. I talked about her to my children and remember visiting her in her room with some of you after hours to quench our thirst for learning.
    With her a part of our history is gone.
    A true teacher.
    Grateful she crossed our path.
    May Allah make her journey in the realms of angels and light a peaceful one Ameen

  8. What a lovely inspiring soul full of positive discussions about life and history of Pakistan. A loved student of Late Ghulam Ahmed Parwez who in his right was probably the best thinker from the sub-continent on Quranic research. I had the good plessure in getting to know Ms Shamim Anwar when i was in Lahore at Tolu-e-Islam many years ago and was blessed to share her time and thoughts. May Allah bless her for all her great inspiring efforts to enlightening the minds of those who loved the thirst for TRUE knowledge Pakistan has lost a true people’s person. May her writings live on.

  9. Not only was she a great advocate for the true ideology of Pakistan she was a gentle soul full of true Quranic idioms. She was not one for foolish traditional precepts that were not of a rational basis for her the mind and common sense and the Quran was her only tool she use in the lost visions of the Mullah who have perfectly portrayed parody, portrying pesilential pervasive plebvision perverse to Un Quranic passions. She was always hoping of a now dawn from the youth of Pakistan to awake from there religious sleep and look a fresh to there personal identity in light of the Quran with deep intelligence. Great people like this we seldom find as teachers. May Allah bless you.

    1. In life some souls can bring a transformation in our life’s that changes our total mindset of thought. Challenge our believe systems and guide us to new horizons of thoughts. Ms Shamim Anwaar was a great person who was well versed in the History of Pakistan and the writings of our great founders. I will always cherish her writings. May the people of Pakistan salute this true champion of the Pakistan TRUE movement of Allama Iqbal. Jinnah and Ghulam Ahmed Parwez.

  10. Loved this women her writings really changed my understanding of Pakistan. Always willing to share her time freely with all.

  11. Fantastic woman, she had a crystal clear Nature and deeply
    Loving personality, she was always with positive side, she speaks
    with Heart & Brain both, she never accept any negative thing
    through out her life. GOD BLESS HER SOUL IN PEACE AMEEN.

  12. I am deeply sad about the news. She was a rarity. Its almost impossible to find such a great scholar again in Pakistan at least. One of the very few true students of Late Allama Ghulam Ahmed Parwez – A Quranic Scholar with mighty heights of intellect, Quranic scholarly and human level – she was a great human being. May her soul rest in peace and her writings and teachings live on.

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