Even as children we heard references about the despicable nature of Karun’s lust for money. Some people think of him as Hamman of the Pharaohsand others refer to him as the King of Lydia. A reference says:“The Last King of an Anatolian civilization Lydia, CROESUS (known as KARUN in Turkish) is known as the inventor of first user of “coin” and referred as the richest ever man on earth. As the richest mortal in the world, he was 35 years old in 566 BC when he became the King of Lydia.”
The strange part is that a portion of his vast treasure was discovered and a bone of contention between the Turkish government and the Metropolitan Museum of arts. But that is not our issue here. Our issue is that when one man or a group of men accumulate the wealth of the world, what happens? In fact nothing good can come out of it, for the Laws of Allah talk about sharing things and distributing what in excess that you have. By taking things which are rightfully others, you commit the greatest sin according to divine laws. The shame of today’s rich people is enormous but as their eyes are blanketed with greed, they cannot perceive the folly themselves. Our own rich people tyrannized others to get to this point. So did the worlds richest people. This treasure will burn their hearts out. With what shame we hear that one percent of the world, owns ninety-nine percent of resources. All the intellectuals muse over it, but can do nothing. For powerful people have the capacity to buy others out. When the richest and powerful turns up into criminal minds, the wrong top the world is multiplied by millions.

So much afraid of the Spirit of Islam, that pervert priests are hired by such lobbies to spread calumny about the way of life, which guarantees happiness and peace all over the world. Not one of these despicable priests talk of finer things of life, dealing with perverse meaningless issues, to confuse anyone’s interest in the Islamic way of life.
Allah tells is not to give up. The strong and mighty on wrong track will eventually fall into their own contrived destruction. Patience and have faith in the Laws of Allah. Forget about burning in hell, the will never see peace on Earth even!
Thoughts ever fresh to think and ponder.
Sharm gum ho jati hai
Why our religious fanatics do not touch concepts which matter?
Simple dictations from abroad.
Whether the Pharaohs or the Karuns, leaving aside their hatred for humanity, one thing is certain that they generated aesthetics which lasted millenniums and fit for display in any museum. Well done artists of those time, perhaps you were not rewarded at all, or even punished, but you kept beauty alive. Fit for adornment in any museum. Art works last the false gods anywhere.
Well said