The Muslims entered the region of Hindustan, with their Identity but were in no mood to destroy the Identity of others in this region. Contrary to popular perception, they tried their best to enlist regional inhabitants in the power of things, as there was no need to let people fight with each other. The Britishers on other hand were limited in number and for survival had to devise the DIVIDE AND RULE policy on their own. When Pakistan became independent, 97 percent of the people were like each other, with:
ONE BELIEF OF QURAN (based on common principles).
In the tradition of the British Masters, the new politicians continued this Divide and Rule policy for their own benefit. Breaking up of ONE UNIT was one of their very first step. And then forcibly separating East Pakistan from the West wing. Can Princess Hasina Wajid end Muslim nationhood in Bengla desh? The volcano of Muslim nationhood in East Pakistan is bursting at its seams and in near future, you will find RAW being undone there on its own. How will Mukhi Bahinis disguise themselves now? Pakistani soldiers no longer there. But the spirit of Islam is very much there in our brethren there. Can all the Muslims in Bengla Desh be massacred? Only a tea stall vendor can think on such terms. Fish eating Bengla deshi have a very high IQ and EQ in that country. The ordinary people were swept away by propaganda once, no more is the case.

Take a group of despicable politicians aside and the whole nation will still unite as one. Who will bell the cat? Our reborn judiciary is doing a splendid job of cleansing spots and dust from the national realm. Rise Pakistan, Rise! The time of Shahadat has come!

Islam cannot be undone being the write of Allah AlMighty.