The world is on a strange line. Everywhere there seems to be glory in moving up and down, dancing to barbaric tunes and letting your body not even rest for a moment. The brain starts working when the body is at rest, when the person has an environment of silence to think and to ponder and to innovate other meanings of life., Of course a share of everything should be there but modern life is driving the youth to nuts. To rebellion of the strangest kind, that is being a REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE.

The theme was perfected by James Dean, the American screen icon of the 1950s. The idea that ‘girls just want to have fun’ or the boys are after only one thing in life, that is repeated seduction. These are the ideas that bring civilizations down, and it has happened n the past, and it will happen in the future. To inculcate in the young growing mind, the RESPONSIBILITY OF EXISTENCE, that Allah created humankind for a search through thinking and pondering, in finding the solutions to the problems of life. The search for Utopia was not meant the Satanic relegation to the past.

The Mullah has taken us far away from the Quran,. but the so called Seculars have taken us far away from even thinking. Putting thought in anything leads to goodness. Thought brings virtue to limelight. Islam is the only WAY OF LIFE that encourages THINKING AND PONDERING as a DICTATION FROM ALLAH. The rest rely on merely faith, even when the faith involves worship of statues. If you let serenity fill your mind, enjoy the bounties of Allah as your right, and move with humankind towards a better tomorrow. You have to have a moment of retrospect, to sit down and to contemplate life. Without that you are just a statue yourself in a dance riot. A chemical scientist was telling me that even the tiniest particles in life, the neurons around atoms are shy creatures. They are on their own reacting to presence of other similar particles. Life at that level or at our level, means one thing and one thing alone, thought leads to exploration where no man has gone before. An American saying goes that “Life is like licking a honey around a thorn’. Making that honey available for others is our way of life.

No harm in anything but within some limits.