Easy to love, easy to irritate, a nation by itself

Quoting Sikh sources is best way of introducing things. A famous Sikh writer writes about Guru Govind Singh (1666-1708):
“From his writings it appears that he drew inspiration from martial deities lie Goddesses Chandi, Sri and Bhagwati. At the same time he ordered his followers to wear their hair and beards unshorn, having one name ‘Singh’ and carry other symbols of the Khalsa including a Kirpan.”

The present Identity of the Sikhs belong to Guru Govind Singh.
When did the conflict between the Muslims and the Sikhs actually start? It was in Emperor Jahangeer’s own words like this:

“There was a Hindu named Arjan in Gobindwal on the banks of the Beas River. Pretending to be a spiritual guide, he had won over as devotees many simple-minded Indian and even some ignorant, stupid Muslims by broadcasting his claims to be a saint. They called him guru. Many fools from all around had recourse to him and believed in him implicitly. For three or four generations they had been peddling this same stuff. For a long time I had been thinking that either this false trade should be eliminated or that he could be bought into the embrace of Islam. At length, when Khusraw passed by there, this inconsequential little fellow wished to pay homage to Khusraw. When Khusraw stopped at his residence, (Arjan) came out and had an interview with (khusraw). Giving him some elementary spiritual precepts picked up here and there, he made a mark with saffron on his forehead, which is called qashqa in the idiom of the Hindus and which they consider lucky. When this was reported to me, I realized how perfectly false he was and ordered him brought to me. I awarded his houses and dwellings and those of his children to Murtaza khan, and I ordered his goods and possessions confiscated and him executed. “
A political tale of that time. Let us for a moment forget about Guru Arjun. The date of his martyrdom by the Sikhs is given as 3rd June, and the day is important as a memory. Now let us shift gears to 3rd June, 1984, the day of his martyrdom. The scene the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The man sitting on a top level of the temple was Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. An Indian journalist writes about this hero of the Sikhs:
“Maybe it was the mad gleam in his eyes, or the overconfidence with which he conveyed in no uncertain terms that he was supreme. He looked crafty, like a man who was exploiting his position to influence the gullible.”

In hundreds of years, the accusations bordered on the same. There is no dispute about Guru Arjan, but the position of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale is disputed. The word dreaded by India, namely KHALISTAN comes to mind. Operation BlueStar made the entire Sikh community realize that they were as vulnerable as ever.
Islam forbids criticism or accusations against other ways of life. No one has the right to look down upon others. For me Sikhs are splendid people. My father loved them and they loved my father. But history is dark with characters who hide behind Identities, but are simply depraved in their search of life. There are dacoits in Sikh history, and the Sikhs know that themselves. But we talk of Modern Sikhs in totality. The 19th and 20th century Sikhs are some of the best humans in history. Leaving aside their militant character, they carved an intellectual position for themselves. Bhai Vir Singh, Sardar Puran Singh, Sataryati Singh, Ishwar Singh, Sobha Singh, Sumer Singh, Khushwant Singh, and the likes, are legendary names in Sikh history. Surprisingly our family knew them all. When Sikhs refer to Al-Mighty as RAB, it pleases us, for we too call Allah as Rab. Our language and Culture intermingle at various places. Like Hindus and Muslims are two Nations, Sikhs are a Nation too, and they deserve a homeland of their own, to live their life according to their dictats. India should make a Vatican for them. Call it whatever you like. The Sikhs fondly call it Khalistan.
The Sikhs are at times extremely gullible and exploited by others.
We have nothing against them. But erasing history takes time.