It was unthinkable a few decades back. All our children knew the difference between dignity ad vulgarity. Crass jokes of the man on the street were unthinkable in our drawing rooms, and the subjects fulsome in all ways. Innuendos of sexual behavior and making fun of victimized boys, assaulted at working places. Room for jokes here! Has our every day morality sunk to such lows? How and why did this invasion occur?

Most of these actors and actresses are street born and street spun. Undignified behavior. Imtiaz Ali Taj and Hijab Taj would have fainted in the spells of such people at Alhamra Art Center. A cultural place for advancement of Islamic Culture marooned on the threshold of money making mechanism. While our political leaders are devising ways of being scot free from any scrutiny, the quality of our laughter is no longer that of human beings.
Foreign lobbies have fascinated us with stress on FOLK ARTS, while shunning FINE ARTS from society. Our Identity and our Ideology is at stake. While Fine Arts are related to copied narratives of Western Masters, we do not see the evil being generated by this gimmickry of Art in Pakistan. More on that later!

The RAW DEAL spun on our cultural activities. Our celebration of BASANT with kite flying as well as cricket matches. Thanks Allah that our Army is trying to rescue our Cricket sports from the clutches of money makers. One should explore who was responsible for the kite flying debacle. It is time to restore dignity all around to make Pakistan Pakistan again.
…there are bigger issues to review:
-how much freedom of expression is admissible, is it a question of all or none,
-are all sub cultures a part of us, after all we are all Pakistanis,
-you only watch such because you like such (vulgarities?), you are never ever forced to watch such,
We do not watch for we enjoy. We analyze the absurdities. What freedom of expression are you talking about? The West itself knows no freedom of expression except as what suits them. Some of my written books were refused in a leading British based Museum for it expressed what they did not want to be spread. Please talk of World War 2 and see the filth thrown at you if you do not have their perspective. Is the Royanga crisis in Burma being scrutinized by Western media. Are the Palestinians being given compassion? Are our beloved Kashmeeris cry is being heard? All we are told to talk about freely is sex workers, transgenders and homosexuals. And projecting our thinking as outdated with Satanic mind. Need I say anything. Carried away by fantasies spread by media! Ground reality is different. When we accept the Islamic way of life, we reject the Satanic convictions with vigour. We are allowed to be happy and laugh in full but not at the vulnerabilities of others. Our Allah teaches us Compassion. Staying away from filth is our responsibility.