We are supposed to be educated people. Not all of us, but at least people who address the public, should be knowledgeable enough to pursue the truth and write the truth. The media, according to Marshal Mcluhan is a message itself, and the message is a big pack of lies. The Prediction mafia sweeps on us, as a Divine revelation, when it is far from the truth. The Quran clearly debunks astrology, and clearly says that knowledge of “Kiyamat” is the privilege of Allah and he has shared this knowledge with no one else. Allah, according to the Quran, has given human beings investigative power through thinking and pondering, but he has not given us ‘Ilm Ghiyab’ at all. The Prediction game prevails in human beings. It started with a civilization which views things in a different way. Nostradamus great hype is reflected in even his prediction of murder of Kennedy. Whether honest or even charlatans stepped into the fragile minds of human beings. Even the Dead Sea Scrolls have something like that. The end is near. Repent. St John the Baptist was roaming everywhere with the same message, ‘End of the World’. The American cowboy world was also bombarded with these people, and the cowboys used to put tar and feathers on them, that is blacken them. Yes, people make capital of this frail world. A civilization revels to make a way of life by choice, as a way of life of decided destiny. Everyone forgets the Quran, for they cannot make capital of a Book of literal truth.
The rage of Predictions centre around Shah Niamatullah Vali of Kirman. He was son of Mir Abdullah, and descendant of Imam Baqir. He was born around 730 A H, and died in 834 A H, at the age of around 104 years. He has written a lot of books and Risalahs on various aspects of spiritualism and religious issues. But what is important is his DIWAN. People have forgotten that there are two important copies in the British Library in London, with numbers as Add 7811, and Add 7091. One is dated 962 A H and the other is 971 A H. There are various items in the manuscripts, and there is one Qasidah, talking about the state of world affairs, and the arrival of Imam Mahdi, to correct all the wrong in the world. NOTHING ELSE.
But there are three Qasidahs added to the Diwan. According to research Qasidah one is the work of another Niamatullah of Delhi. The other two in fact unknown. All three appeared for first time in print around 1850 AD, and continue to appear, here and there, with changes according to the requirement of the writer. We need not go into details here, and anybody interested can read the exceptional research of C.M. Naim of University of Chicago, and is available as a free download on the internet. Various people have commented on these three Qasidahs, two of which make predictions about our region. Writers change the predictions whenever they go on a different track. It is amazing that the history of this region is predicted in detail. All the Mughal Kings are mentioned, the Sikh rule, as well as the British rule. Obviously making predictions about wars are easy to make, particularly when the qasidah writer belongs to the 19th century itself. And they appear changed with each period of calamity facing the Muslims. Full credit goes to C. M. Naim for giving all the details of the publications. And people have commented on this, like:
‘Much of the interpretation relies on saying that ambiguous names referred to certain people and countries, another common prophetic trick. To be fair, his hit rate with names is higher than other predictors, but this can be explained by him predicting the future of Muslims. Muslim culture is insular and has fewer names.’
‘Perhaps his boldest predictions involve India having reduced power on the world stage. This would not start until a century after his time. However, a cursory examination suggests that he did not like India. Predicting the downfall of your enemies is a common prophetic practice. On a long enough timeline, every culture has heights and declines.’
Not everything is clear. The King name is considered Habibullah at times, and at other times King James. Botched up predictions taken as truth. And educated people are confusing the public. The Quran debunks Astrology and the Predictions game of Ilm-ghayab. Are we to believe else-where for our spiritual guidance? Internet is bombarded with illusions, that no one, or hardly anyone dares to seek the truth. Predictions are anti-Islamic, simply satisfaction of our negative impulses. The universe is governed by the Laws of Allah, and obeying the Laws is our salvation. Allah gave us choices. We will make tomorrow according to our choices.
Qur’an is enough, for more ijtehad
Fabulous work, Sir! True it is that there is no room for fatalism in Islam, much less prophecy through religious divines.
With a few more like you, Islam will be restored in its original form, undiluted by lobbies allergic to it. This is the same lobby which poisoned our Prophet (PBUH) too.
Most unique subject appreciated
So fee sad sach, Allah ke rahmat app Kay sath