Holding on to Quranic Ideals make NGOS zero

I often talk about Secular and Religious bodies as two sides of the same coin. A friend sitting in front of me talked of the dangerous interlude of another related lobby. THE ATHIEST GROUPS TRYING TO DEFAME EVERYBODY ELSE. It was amazing for me to read many books announcing shamelessly that SATAN himself is the proclaimed hero of humanity. I could burst out laughing, but this is no laughing matter. Elimination of all religions their aim in life. Obviously religions have picked up flaws with time that can be easily exploited even on a rational level. They do not realize that ISLAM ITSELF IS A CHALLENGE TO RELIGION (another blog required). They believe that Islam can be ridiculed to the point, where no modern thought can allow it to continue in existence. Morons with all their so called wisdom!

Questioning the wisdom of Allah is slowly creeping in our media. A TV thing has penetrated now even respectable newspapers. Worldly wisdom considered superior to Divine one. Obviously when nothing Divine is considered to be there. Of course there is question of Ijjtehad and things can be changed by consensus. But there are permanent values given in the QURAN and QURAN alone, which cannot be changed till eternity. Obviously Hadis(s) are actually there which contradict each other, so we do not rely on those, nor give a value of a reliable or unreliable Hadis, with our personal judg’ment. The standard of judg’ment is always the QURANIC VALUES itself. Nothing else!

If someone wants to believe in an existence without a DIVINE force, let that person be welcome to his views. Why should he enforce his own whims on us? There is no proof required for God’s existence. The proof is in existence itself. The beauty of life, in it evolution is proof of a force behind creation, of which we only know 99 attributes. The rest Allah has hidden from us. The Quran itself is proof of Divinity. No faith required here. The Quran tells us to think and ponder all the time, and it is this capacity to think itself, is proof enough of God’s existence. It may surprise people to even know that Allah does not ask us to believe on our own. Allah has asked us to think and ponder over everything. Without reason, without science, without knowledge, accept nothing as absolute. Life and its set of values is itself proof of Divine existence.

The silliest part is to create a set of VALUES based on negative perceptions only. From where does SATAN comes from? From our irrationalities, our destructive forces, our emotional demure, yes, in fact, everything that tends to destroy the very fiber of life. Making Satan a hero is the most irrational concept conceived by man in any time. In these times such conceptions mean the indulgence of rationality on foolish thoughts. Allah is creation; Satan is destruction. Very simple two and two. Who are the imbeciles who cannot understand this? Plenty in reality. Moneyed people, buying naïve people (the easiest encroachment is addiction to alcohol, drugs, or plain sexual inducements) and building up NGOS for them to destroy the world in to oblivion.
Stopping this nonsense is our faith in life built on thought itself.
Rise to diffuse this tirade against ourselves