President Ayub receives Quran
President Ayub receives Quran

Assassination and blood

Quran Hazrat Usman
Quran Hazrat Usman

The war between Pakistan and India in 1965 brought a visit of their Heads to USSR at that time. At Tashkent President Ayub Khan (possibly in the 1968 visit) was presented a copy of the Quran in the museum there, and the reputation of that Quran was simple. It was the Quran being read by Hazrat Usman (bless his soul), when he was assassinated by misguided and over zealous people. Another hero of Islam went down for no reason at all but prejudice at his achievements in life. A sad end for us for another shahadat without any solid reason.

Blood of Hazrat Usman
Blood of Hazrat Usman

There is blood on that Quran and when we imagine blood oozing out of the body of one of our grandest Caliph of Islam, it makes us cry even today. If only it had not happened, Islam would have progressed towards its destiny even faster than our imagination. Hazrat Usman consolidated Islam to the extent that Islam could move from being completely plain and simple, to the world of aesthetics. Hazrat Usman built a palace (Al-Zawar) in Medina for himself, with doors of a precious wood. He paid for the same with his own money, and did not use public funds for same. Even then all he did was resented by certain groups of people. The story of his death is heart breaking. An official version is like this:

Quran Usmani
Quran Usmani

“Finding the gate of Uthman’s house strongly guarded by his supporters, the rebels climbed the back wall and sneaked inside, leaving the guards on the gate unaware of what was going on inside. The rebels entered his room and struck blows at his head.[44] Naila, the wife of Uthman, threw herself on his body to protect him, raising her hand to protect him she had her fingers chopped off and was pushed aside, and further blows were struck until he was dead. The rioters wanted to mutilate his body and were keen that he be denied burial. When some of the rioters came forward to mutilate the body of Uthman, his two widows, Nailah and Ramlah bint Sheibah, covered him, and raised loud cries which deterred the rioters.”

How far true, one does not know? The tragedy is there in any case. Has our people ever bothered to bring such treasures on loan to Pakistan to enrich our knowledge of our surviving heritage? Alas, not!


  1. Five Usmani Qurans are on record. Many destroyed with time. Perhaps a few still exist. It is reputed that Amir Timur brought this Quran from Baghdad to Tashkent. It too has a diverse history.

  2. Usman was handing out gifts to his klan from Batul Mal. He refused to punish Walid for showing up drunk during Namaz. People asked him to resign from his khilafat and even stoned him unconscious but he wouldn’t budge.
    He wrote a letter to the leader of Egypt to kill the the very person who himself appointed to Egypt.
    He wrote/changed his own Quran to benefit himself.
    He betrayed Prophet and Allah and disrespected Hazrat Aisha.

    1. Do not cross your limits. This is no way to talk about the Caliph (Successor of the Prophet) and one of the 10 blessed companions. The letter was not sent by him but by a traitor among his ranks. Do not speak without knowledge, ignorant person.

    2. Shame of you shergill.
      Why are you barking against grand caliph of Islam he is the only person in the world who became twice son in law of Prophet Peace be Upon Him.
      He is the best caliph after Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umer.

      1. Written history can be mutilated. But material like a Quran of that period another thing. Not proven even but suggestion. Thanks Rida Anwar for keeping the Islamic spirit live!

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