M.A. Rahman Chughtai was not merely an artist. He had the vision to learn everything related to Arts. One such factor in his mind was to make his art last as long as possible. For that he was obsessed with using the best ART MATERIALS in the world. We have an invoice dated around 1930s of import of hand made brushes from a 400 years old Royal Japanese shop in Kyoto Japan. (We will write about that in a separate blog)

He loved excellent quality hand made paper and though he did try other papers (mostly in initial period), he stuck to WHATMANN HANDMADE PAPERS from Old Turkey Mill, the Royal suppliers of paper. That paper had lifeline of perhaps 400 years. In a similar way he experimented with different colours and different forms of rendered colours. He did not like tubes but stuck to solid cakes for his work. The colours of WINSOR AND NEWTON PERMANENT ARTIST COLOURS which again had a life line of hundreds of years. And he did not leave his work exposed to light and environment. He carefully packed each work and preserved them well., The result that even the normal expected degradation could not take place.

We attach a booklet of Winsor and Newton. This booklet is at least 83 years old. The paper had gone literally brown with age but the colors on it, which are a fresh as when they were printed. And read what it says, ABSOLUTELY PERMANENT COLOURS. Shame on the personalities of those who can doubt the same!
When Art gets into hands of low IQ and low EQ people, what can you expect? That they will run to other fools, and start a campaign of maligning the good name of M.A. Rahman Chughtai. Our politicians are making Pakistan learn a new lesson. And that lesson is that honesty is of no use, corruption prevails and will win in the end. And right now they seem to be getting away with it. The dilemma is as old as humankind. Truth versus falsehood. Kalila versus Dhimna, the clever foxes. What are we to believe? Allah of course, when he reassures us of the LAW OF MAKUFAT that to every action here is a reaction, and good will render good and bad will face bad consequences. Nothing else matters!

When billions are poured from outside world to defang Pakistan, away from our Ideology and Principles, we suffer from a RAW deal all the time. So how can the Art world be separate from that? The Art world in Pakistan is jinxed. We can only copy the Anarchy in the Western world, we cannot evolve from our own traditions. There is lack of talent everywhere, but most of all Art is surrounded by a low self esteem of ourselves. That is why when an icon like M.A. Rahman Chughtai shine, nincompoops try to spit on him, not realizing it falls on themselves. No on gives us anything. We live on our own selves and like the young boy, knows when the King is wearing no clothes. Allah’s blessings are on us! No one can take that away.
Professionalism in Pakistan is literally dead. People have to re invent themselves now to be relevant again.
Thank you Arif sahib, much obliged and well informed.
Best wishes you are a person with open mind. I like it.
Not even capacity of one person to challenge our documented facts and figures.