Boys jumping for coins for making a living

As small children, our father took us to various Mughal Monuments in India. We were too young in age to remember anything significant. I remember the monkeys which used to come to our hotel room. Hiding in the toilet of the Railway Station due to tear gas shelling on the Station itself. Collecting match box covers on the pavements of Delhi. A book shop Dhoomi Mal Dharam Dass where we tried to buy fairy tale books. The steps of the Jamia Masjid, with its second hand book dealers on the floor. The climb to the top of the Qutb Minar, where I finally panicked on my own, and my mother carried me to the roof on her own. The reciting of a Nursery Rhyme in the Mausoleum of Itemad ud Daula, namely “A Bundle of Firewood”, with its echoes in the hall, mesmerizing me. There is even some dreadful memories of getting lost in the lanes of Delhi and with great difficulty in the way my mother finally found me out, due to a broken wall between two different lanes. Guess, I was lucky. And the eye infection I got which blinded me for some time, and I would cry my heart out.

One fascinating thing was the small boys who used to jump in the water complex near the Qutb Minar. We threw the coin and they would jump to get it out, for a reward. You threw a paisa, and perhaps gave two annas to the boy, even less. Jumping high jumps for one anna seems a myth these days.
I was not born in India. I was born in Lahore, in a free Pakistan. As I am a born Pakistani, love for my country energizes me all the time. And these paid rascals who demonizes my country, I hate to the core of my heart. Do not take our elected leaders as the bastion of our country. Foreign lobbies sending prepared texts to writers here to present same in their own names. Writers who have no capacity but to give their names for the SHAMEFUL ACT and deceit to their mother country. The resources of the institutions like the British Library are used for writing these things by writers huddled in three storey buildings. The archetypes of Jung are there in all our subconscious and we very well know the two nation theory. Yes Pakistan is there forever! No one can undo our country, for we paid for it with our blood and soul. PAKISTAN FOREVER!

Ever alive memory