Today as G.C.U, Government College is a phenomenal institution of Lahore. But like other things, it has increased at some levels, and gone down at other levels. The intellectual charisma it once generated is perhaps no more. Today we are familiar with its buildings like anything else, but few of us remember that it was once started from the Havelli of Raja Dhian Singh. We attach a photograph of it as it was in 1864.

Everybody has heard of Dr G.W. Leitner of Freiburg University, who was a professor pf Arabic and Mohammedan Law at Kings college, London. He was posted at this college as Principal, but for months could not come here. His big whiskers commanded respect like any other Nawab of that time.. Interestingly it was started with only 9 students as well as teachers who were perhaps around six in number. Many students even left afterwards not satisfied with the place, as the college followed the Calcutta Syllabi. The hostels were in the upper storey. Oriental College was in the vicinity too. The grave of the NAUGUZZA watched over these activities with a giant twinkle in his eyes. Knowledge was everything.
To be familiar with imagery again, that is all.