It will solve all problems

We grew up in various sounds from different directions. Capitalism, communism, socialism, even a rigid Islamic economic doctrine of past ages, and then the word of ‘Mixed Economy’ was coined, and even that seemed reasonable. No one bothered to elucidate the word of Allah to the economic issues of life. A situation where money does not create profit, but labour does. Where the excess of a society is distributed to all those in need. The aim a perfectly balanced society, an equilibrium which will only go up with time. The modern wizards think of it as a medieval gesture and not the word of Allah. No trust in Allah and yet each American dollar has written upon it “In God we trust’.
All assets must be in the hands of the Government of Pakistan, and for effecient running, various techniques can be tried, including letting the most efficient run the system again for rewards associated with their efforts. Labour create wages. Nothing else is in conformity with Divine laws.

The solution to the economic problems of Pakistan is not privatization at all. You are just giving away your assets to enemy hands and fat neo-cons bent up sucking the blood of the world like vampires. Efficient management of resources through best hands possible. Why the Government officials cannot perform? Simple for politicians are draining money to their own coffers and raping our resources.
There is a simple solution to all this. Do not privatize anything. That is not required. Just privatze the Government of Pakistan and give them a charter to follow. All economic ilsl of the country can be solved in one stroke. It is worth trying, please, anyone listening!
worth considering