Vested media twisting facts all the time

A long time back there were injustices. Some people with physical powers got away with subjugating the masses. These sweet people ruled ruthlessly by their feudal Sardars had no options but to surrender their every right. Holdings were taken away. Their women and children were subject of atrocities. The solution was to lick the boots of the lords in servility. This was an international phenomena and that is why we have Robin hoods fighting with the Sheriffs of Nottingham. Islam gave the world emancipation and the concepts of equal rights. So when Pakistan came into being, the prospect was to remove feudal lords from the scenes and bring in an egalitarian society.

Jawaharlal Nehru was an intelligent man. He got rid of the power of the Maharajas as well as feudal lords. This was being done in Pakistan too and feudal reforms brought in curtailment of feudal powers by fixing land hording. I remember Agha Sahib of Classic Books telling me once, NO ONE SURRENDERS POWER WITHOUT A FIGHT. The Feudal lords waged a war against emancipation. This is the root cause of the Baloch Insurgency.

The so called enlightened West as well as so called Indian leadership would not like the Balochs to prosper and wish to take them back to medieval times to be roasted by the Sardars till eternity. Whereas the Pakistani politicians failed, the military tried its level best to bring in reforms for the people of Balochistan. Who is more important? A handful of tyrannical Sardars or the people of that region. Sardars who are open murderers of their own people. I remember one Sardar who murdered a Lahori girl and three her in the compound of United Christian Hospital, Lahore, in a moving car, and he escaped to Balochistan. He was never caught for his crime. His father reputedly killed his first man at eight years of age to reinforce his strength in poor people.

Missing people hype goes on all the time! Western satellites are capable of looking down at movement everywhere. They could see President Saddam taking his tea all the time? Why has the survellance satellites of USA, India, as well as Europe not scooped down and see the fate of these missing persons? Is it because they are themselves responsible for all this? A London group of insurgents were caught by the Pakistan Army and then pardoned by the graciousness of General Zia ul Haque. The Pakistan Army is saviour of the people of Balochistan, not the feudal Sardars. I am a PAKISTANI MUSLIM. Let us start being proud to be Pakistanis, the first step of progressive Islam in the world.

Let us not forget that a working GWADAR PORT is a death knell to many other ports in the region. Money is being poured inside Balochistan to stop the growth of Pakistan, especially so that the people of Balochistan can never flourish in any way. Now who is actually wrong? Missing persons is a tactic to cheat on both sides. Bring tragedy to Balochistan and defame our sacred Pak Army! A certain gentleman namely Khattak Sahib is doing a documentary on this issue. Let this be represented in it too, for actual ideas to be taken into account.
For God Sake let the Baloch people live in peace not the vested myopic Sardars