Detached from Freemasonry finally
The story of Theosophical movement in India is like the Freemasonry ideas. Annie Besant, a dedicated Freemason, reared up a young Hindu boy, to cultivate him as the new Prophet of India. She was dedicated and tried her best, but Jiddu Krishnamurti was no stooge. He was an intelligent boy who became more and more well versed with the issues of life. In the final episode, Annie Besant was totally disappointed with Jiddu Krishnamurti. A sad event, but it spoke of the actual greatness of Krishnamurti, who refused to recognize in other words, Satan as the ultimate god of life. A idea which is there in full force even today, as every thing good to humankind is credited to Lucifer himself. Devil incarnated!
Dr James Cousin, the first critic of M.A. Rahman Chughtai was attached to the Theosophists too. He took a painting as a present for Jiddu Krishnamurti and he sent a reply to the artist. We thought it would be good to present this for the view of the present generation, who hardly know about all this. The race for intellectualism was in full vogue in the British times, and it was there that D Allama Iqbal presented his thesis about Ijjtehad in Islam. Well done, Sir!
To leave the power of a Prophet and become a normal human was Krishnamurtis strength.