Unimaginable together.

I think there are hardly any situations in Pakistan where groups can be seen together. Not one place where everybody can be represented. The Mullahs cannot be at one place. The Writers cannot do the same. The politicians if ever brought together swing their head in other directions. The divided Art Camp is no different. Groups which are engendered by foreign lobbies at one place, others have no clout. Few are people who exist on their own professional level. That is a rarity in Pakistan.

It was the generosity of M.A. Rahman Chughtai’s character that he never imposed himself on others. He never belittled or criticized other painters. He knew what would remain. And what would die their natural death. The Americans invited him, the Russians invited him, but he remained true to his own vision. His love for the Pakistan Idea supreme and he did not fall in the chaos of Liaquat Ali Khan decision making. Like the Quaid e Azam, he remained true to Pakistan.
We came across a rare photograph of a group of Pakistani Painters in 1952. All different types are represented here and where some are looking glum, he seems happy and relaxed. We wanted to share this photograph with people. Did you ever thought you would see Shakir Ali and M.A. Rahman Chughtai standing together. We see Agha Zubeida, Shakir Ali, Ustad Allah Baksh, M.A. Rahman Chughtai and Zainul Abedeen, amongst others. Enjoy!
Who lasted and who did not? A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Some were just fads of their times.