Lobbies fed up of being repeatedly exposed
Zaid Hamid on Umra quest. A think tank as he calls himself and he led himself into a well conceived trap from lobbies which are hidden from view. Who could have done that? Is it merely a whimsical step by the host country. Or were they asked by others to do it. It is shameless but also reckless. Consequences of same that cannot be understood at this time.
If he is sent scot free, there would be consequences. If he is flogged to death, there would be consequences. But I do not think his destiny is to die a meaningless death. Allah has reserved him for more important work. He gets along with no one, yes, simply for his version of truth stops him from calling anything else as anything more than his belief. Truth is always self evident.
Once upon a time HELEN got kidnapped, and led to a war, unimaginable in horror. To his day Helen of Troy makes us talk of TROJANS. The dummy wooden horse full of soldiers as a ruse to enter the city. There are TROJANS here in Pakistan. Many Indian sites are rejoicing in this capture. Hold yourself. He is a warrior living, he will be a hundred times more warrior in death. So fear him! Fear the fate of his red cap!
Possibly Zaid Hamid’s name will out last the Saudi dynasty
All we can do is pray for him, those who can do are doing nothing. No one stands with patriotic people of Pakistan and we know it ourselves.
Emaad Khalid explains. Pls. also listen to him and also read his 111 pages.