The Mullahs obsession with unnecessary sound is OCD

When loudspeakers came in the region, the fatwa of the Mullahs was unanimous. Loudspeakers were Anti-Islamic in nature and should never be used. Then in their Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the Mullahs realized that the same could be a tool for tyranny in their hands by destroying the peace and tranquility of the neighbourhood.

There is famous case of the a Hindu girl in a small village. She used to hear the Morning Azan every day and its melody, took her in so much ecstasy, that she embraced Islam for its harmony for the soul. Today loudspeakers clash with each other for dominance of sound. If one mosque has one loudspeaker, another has two, another four, perhaps some even sixteen. When the Azan is recited in a number of nearby mosques, mosque after mosque, the clashing sounds turn the eternal beauty and melody of the Azan into an eardrum piercing exercise. There is no religion or Deen involved here. Nobody objects to the Azan, nor anybody can do the same. It is the destruction of melody which disturbs most people and they do not have the GUTs to take the area Mullah in their hands and tell them that they are not involved in religious duty in any way by piercing eardrums, but a menace to society and peace of the neighbourhood.

The natural sound of the Azan was turned and tested by musicians and they put the musical nodes to it, and found that the sound itself is a Divine blessing and very pleasant to the ears. Even today on Television, there are some QARIS who rivet your ears to the beauty of the rendering of the Azan. It is a science in itself. But this science is disturbed by the zero aesthetics and sound understandng by an overruly Mullah of the neighbourhood, for whom more decibels mean more power. There was a blind Qari in the Wazeer Khan Mosque (no loudspeakers then) and when he recited the Azan, people used to stop in their tracks to hear it. It is said that his melody could even be heard near the Lohari Gate, just the voice and its purity of expression.

SOUND MASTERS should be hired to test the area of each mosque and like stereo harmony, set the decibels of each mosque, so that there should be no conflict, and that the purity of the Azan can come not only to the ears of Muslims, but also others, and like the Hindu Girl, they too should be forced to acknowledge the DIVINITY that is inherent in every choice of Allah. This does not require much investment but the result would be tremendous and the Blessings of Allah will dawn upon us.
Low IQ people cannot understand this at all
so very right… its beyond their comprehension … its not only the low IQ but awareness.. awakening and ofcouse the knowledge to grasp such facts….