Empty vessels make more noise
The aim of politicians is to find opportunities for business investment of their needs, and to make money in the shortest period of time. The Midas Touch is part of their life. Government helps them to do the impossible. Create money on executive orders. Printing money. Once upon a time trade was through barter. Then the banking system came in but the banking system was bound to have a percentage of the total assets in some liquid form. Most banking systems adhered to that. The United States became the grandest country who printed money without any financial backing. If the economy of the United States will collapse, so will that of other countries in the world. Such a fragile system and an author writes a book about the myth of America’s downfall. If you have the capacity to punish others, you can get away with everything.
Allah promises in the Quran that Allah will never allow any other system to flourish in the world. We know that only TRUTH is associated with Allah, so we know that bad things will happen. It is the reprieve of Allah that he gives time to everyone to reconsider their values. But who is listening? No one.
Andheri kay baad barish ati hai. After a storm, there is a rain. A cleansing process. Storms are coming in the world. But the storm of storms is when systems change. Communism perished, and so will capitalism. It is bound to happen. It is our faith. It is in our thoughts. Pity this world where perhaps 5000 people in the world control perhaps 90% of its wealth. A shame for humankind. STOP FEEDING THE PUBLIC WITH EMPTY TALES. We are tired. We are on the brink of a revolt. We now know that no knight in shining armour will we see in our life time. We know that we will have to be our own knight in shining armour. On empty stomachs feeding us tales do us no good. We want to vomit this digression.
VIVA ZAPATA! The cry of the revolutionary is always there to please our souls.
Courage to find a cure, empathy for justice
we need help in our villages
Help is everywhere. But survival first is utmost!