The vision of Hazrat Umar (blessings) and the harassment of people opposed to Ideology, started the charade of defusing clear cut images of life. Vested interests knew that Hazrat Umar (blessings) will never allow mutilation of the Islamic vision, and so by plan he was assassinated and removed from the scene. The second aim was that according to the Caliph, the Quran alone was enough for the Muslims, so subterfuge was created, with ideas which were not in the Quran. The game continues to this day and is forever. But here we are concerned with Art and art alone. Art that consolidates and gives a clear vision to the people is aimed to be contained by counter narrative. It started very early and still very much in practice. Thinkers who could clear this are mostly gone, and never patronized by the holders of the other narrative. Perhaps a few hundred, maybe even a thousand people all over Pakistan, are given incentives through money and influence, to subjugate this vision. They are wasting their time. Even a beautiful woman siting in her home or in a brothel means different things.
Dr Allama Iqbal said few things about Art, and one poetic statement means a lot of things for us:
“O Wise one! It is well to have thirst for knowledge,But what is in art that faileth to grasp the reality of things.The object of all art is to attain the warmth of life immortal,What availeth a spasm or two that vanish like a spark!Without a miracle nations cannot rise-What is art without the striking power of the Moses staff!”
Art in the past, whether Western or otherwise Hindu was always for religious sake. On one hand Islamic Art was truly Art for Art sake, but it had a function too. In the quest for personality development in life, Art aimed at enhancing the sensibilities of human kind. The aim of Islamic art was that humankind oppressed with vicissitudes of life, comes near Art to replenish itself from the hardships of life. To cool the nerves of issues of life to refresh ones vigour. A young baby grasps the nipple of the mother’s breast to replenish its energy. The grown human being catches hold of the sensibilities of music, drama, and the fine arts to save itself from loss of vision of development and progress. Art and aesthetics consolidates the nation. The artists role is divine in shaping up the nation towards tomorrow.
P.S. We will add more. People who seek inspiration from messages of anarchy, unrest, and negative content.
Tears come in the eyes to see people mocking the nation with gimmickry in art,
Only for self gain no nation such are evil geniuses
So relaxing tension free works