Outlaws making impracticable laws for Pakistan

Food at last
Food at last

I live in Pakistan but my house is the world itself. I get in touch with all kinds of people everywhere. I am not isolated in an way. And what do I see, so called educated and civilized people, lacking even basic common sense to analyze the world in any dispassionate way. These civilized people of world rely on a twisted MEDIA of their own, which continuously feed them shit about the world. When someone should rise and ask the question TELL US THE TRUTH not your SHITTY VERSION OF IT. I have seen foreigners from all over the world, entering our premises and telling us simply that Pakistan is not at all like what the bigoted and racist media was telling us. And these people included diplomats from many parts of the world.

Normal scene in Pakistan
Normal scene in Pakistan

The Government does not give a crap about the citizens of Pakistan. But Pakistan does not give a crap about these planted bastards on us. Surely when an American said many years back that Pakistanis will sell their own mothers for money, he did not mean Pakistan or Pakistanis. He meant the people in the Government of Pakistan, for that is all the Pakistanis such people deal in usual routine.

American dream gone wrong
American dream gone wrong

The Britishers controlled this region with their inhumane laws. The present Governments are even more ruthless than their previous Masters. They are not even willing to give people to the right to breath as honest and free men and women. That is why laws are made to freeze the people of Pakistan as eternal slaves. A typical morning starts with the traffic choked for some concept of some body’s life as being more sacred than wastage of our time, and ridiculed by the police foce for being merely citizens of Pakistan. Camera speed traps abound on the canal, and yet the cavalcade of these people pass at supersonic speed, unchecked. A police man is busy driving his car or motorcycle in any direction. If somebody else does it, he is caught there and then. The authotrities like LDA are hounding people by foreclosing their businesses. The Parking vendor on Parking lot is giving his own hell to us. Then enter any governmental office and see whether you can even make it in, without greasing the palms of the pariah standing at the Gate. Count any day, it is hell. Count any day of these people, it is non stop bliss for them.

Our law-makers and administrators are daily thinking of passing new laws of harassment for the people. Computerize things, making new licenses, new registration books, and what not? Not to facilitate people, but to get bribes from people in trying to correct the mistakes in the process in doing these things. Politicians are busy getting into new ventures to take KICKBACKS, sell their products (though their industrial agents). Declare an industry unfit and then sell it at a cheap price, to buy it back, and then sell it again. A vicious circle of corruption. Who will stop it? We thought of Imam Khomeini as an extreme, now even the Khomeini revolution seems sensible o us.

Tyranny definition
Tyranny definition

No existing facility gets corrected. There is no money in same. Broken roads all over the country, or no roads, and yet super highways are planned,. Acquisition done of poor people’s land without giving any money to them. Injustice at its height and the hype of judicial activism being played to our broken eardrums. Yes we do know now what ANDHER NAGRI CHOPAT RAJ means.

The Law of Mukufat will catch up with them. Yes, that is our faith. But the time gap is not in the programme of Allah. We can make the gap shorter, if we unite as a nation. And that is what the foreign lobbies are trying their best to prevent. Divide us into small groups, armed to the teeth, at each other’s throat. Thanks heaven for those who do not think like that. Oh Allah save us from the wrath of our own absonders!


  1. Bravo! You have spoken from your heart and have written what so many of us feel but are quiet. There is no question that no matter how bad the British rulers were they did give civic amenities and justice to the society which the present rulers are destroying for their own gains. These sycophants are shameless, cruel and unjust. Yes, they will not escape Mukafaat-e-amal.

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