Carpenters galore in the city
The background of the word Tar-Khan is not even clear to this day. Many believe that the word has its origin in a special tribe of the Mongols, meaning High Ranking Khans. Chengez Khan himself was an iron smith and that is why Lohars are famous in his legacy. These people were wonderful craftsmen for centuries.

Tongas were very particular to Lahore. The new Tonga we used to see recently is not the Lahori Tonga. The Lahori Tonga was a deep well carriage, which in times of flood or river crossing would act like a boat itself. It was an all terrain vehicle. The buggy carriages made in England wee duplicated here, but the Lahori Tonga had its own merits. Tonga making was usually done in Sultan de Seran outside Delhi Gate and even today tonga materials are still to be found there. People from other cities come to Lahore to buy the Tonga accessories.

Very few people would know that GADD making was a speciality of Lahore too. To make a Gadd is not an easy task, and usually we have a two buffalos Gadd. But there was one buffalo Gadd too. The most difficult part was to select the proper wood, season it properly and make the wheels. The Komanis used to be of wood too, buffered by thick rubber. Later Kamanis of trucks were used to cushion impacts. These people were concentrated mostly in Mozang Lahore and there children have now new occupations. Master Khursheed was a Master Gadd maker of those days.

Whole mohallas used to be transported by Gadds as the same were very reliable carriages. A Gadd would go on its own, unhindered by obstacles on the way, come what may. In fact the Gadd driver could be found sleeping on the Gadd while the buffalo knew the routes towards home or otherwise. In fact Gadds were used to transport lakhs of people from India to Pakistan at time of partition in 1947.

Lahore full of diversity and yes, fun.