The Department of Islamic Reconstruction was burnt to the ground with its archives, soon after the death of Quaid-e-Azam. Information was suppressed as it is done today. But truth prevails. It remains imprisoned in a sea shell, till the sea throws it out and a pearl is there for everyone to see. A muted discovery comes out here and there and a gang of shit-heads ready to disown everything necessary for Pakistan. If the world has a lot of things, so do we have things in our archives too. The reconstruction idea of Quaid e Azam was put as a responsibility on the shoulders of Allama Muhammed Asad. It started with links to intellectuals concerned with fervour for Islam and Pakistan.
The first manifestation is a magazine which came out from Dalhousie Punjab and we have seen eight issues of same. It started in September 1946. Allama Asad sent copies of the magazine to intellectuals everywhere. Our reformer Sheikh Ashraf was responsible for same. Printed at the well known Ripon Press in Lahore, the same press which printed books of M.A. Rahman Chughtai. This was much before the Department of Islamic Reconstruction made by the Quaid e Azam in 1948. Copy number one carries a note of it being sent with “Compliments of Mr Asad”. It also carries a note on a VIEWSPAPER called the STAR from Bombay. Endorsed by the Quaid e Azam himself. What more proof can anyone else want?
These are important magazines and carry important articles and Allama Asad is the editor. There are other writers too in the same collection. And then there are the twin issues in English and Urdu of the inaugural Department of Islamic Reconstruction. We have both. All these should be printed again and distributed free to intellectuals everywhere. But if there are only morons in such departments, would they even understand the importance of same! TRUTH PREVAILS.
Pearls hidden in sea shells.